Yesterday I had an email from Amnesty International about the two sisters in an Indian village who were sentenced by the village elders to be raped as a punishment for their brother falling in love with a woman from another Hindu caste and eloping with her.
Amnesty do a great deal of good work but the real force is individuals who sign the petitions and send letters and emails to political leaders. People power folks, it really works. For those of us who signed the petition and the rest of the over 300,000 people who did, Meenakshi and her young sister thank you. The email I was sent is below. Click on the red link if you want to read the article on the Amnesty site.
'Last month we asked you to help us call for the protection of two sisters in India. An all-male village council in Utter Pradesh had ordered that Meenakshi Kumari and her 15-year-old sister be raped and paraded naked with blackened faces – as punishment for their brother's actions.
Thank you for standing with them and demanding justice
Over 300,000 of you signed our petition calling on the state authorities to grant them protection. Now, India’s Supreme Court has ruled that the women and their family must be protected from potential abuses by the villagers.
The family have told us they are grateful to all of you. But sadly, they don’t yet feel safe enough to go home.
We will continue to work with Meenakshi, her sister and family to make sure they receive full protection and support to live wherever they choose in peace.
Thank you for your support,'
Rachel Alcock
Campaign Manager - Individuals at Risk
Amnesty International UK