Is all this North Korea stuff a bluff or would he really fire off a nuke over to the West Coast?
Does not the USA have a missile defense system that was recently reactivated? With all of our technology it seems that we would be able to have some sort of security in effect to counter such threats.
What do you think is going to happen w/ N. Korea?
I think plans are being developed and set into place to take out N. Korea pre-emptively. He's asking for it in my opinion. How to take him out without him firing off his nukes first is the whole problem.
This is all just really strange to me because the threat of a nuke being used anywhere in the world is quite high right now and it's scary when I really think about it. It would be the biggest thing covered in the media to date. The nukes in Japan took out hundreds of thousands, but a nuke today could take out 1 million +. That's a LOT OF CARNAGE. The pyschological effects of that on the world would be tremendous, not to mention the thought of how the country who was bombed would react.
Crazy times....