Breaking news! Generation explained.

by JayDubyaDotOrg 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JayDubyaDotOrg

    I hope it's all clear now.

  • ToesUp

    This was hilarious!!!

  • ScenicViewer

    Very good!

    It was repetitious, but the more repetitious it got, the funnier it got.

    Now I understand why it never made sense to me that 1 +1 = 1.

    It's because I have an attitude problem!

    (He really knows how to hit the JW buzz words.)

  • 3rdgen

    Scenic Viewer, In all fairness, it might not be your attitude that hinders your understanding. Jesus EVIDENTLY meant overlapping. DUH

    Maybe your problem is masturbation. LOL!

  • WildeLover

    Now I finally understand why I didn’t understand that doctrine at the time. It’s because I am a homosexual

    I must mend my wicked ways and And return to the loving embrace of those idiots

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    Maybe your problem is masturbation. LOL!

    That would apply to an over-whacking generation rather than a generation that overlaps

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    I don't did you get from 'overlapping generation' to 'overfapping generation'?

    That's just baaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaahd.

  • Hairtrigger

    You’ve gotta be of the goat class to understand this .

    The generations generated by the 1914 generation. Happy humping !!!

  • Brainfloss


  • lastmanstanding

    Ask a dub, “Has the generation of 1914 passed away?”

    Hahaha see where their little mind goes.

    They will finally have to say no. And it will irk them to have to say no.

    And tell them to make sure and explain it well at the doors.

    “Well you see, one of our leaders used to talk to one of our dead leaders from 1914, but before he was dead of course, because our leaders don’t talk to the dead.. er.. well actually they kinda do as the dead anointed leaders give messages to our living anointed leaders... but anyways our leader today used to talk to the past leaders from 1914, and so they overlap you see the generation of 1914 is still alive and you should come to the Kingdom Hall?

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