Appointments Of Elders / Ministerial Servants Etc. In Contrast With Those Claiming To Be Of The Anointed .

by smiddy 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    According to JW beliefs the anointed / 144000 are going to rule with JC for a thousand years .As Kings Rev:20;4

    I think they , the anointed , would be more important in the scheme of things than an elder or a ministerial servant in any congregation.

    Yet for the most part , they have no say or any position in any of the congregations in the world , and certainly not if they are female , however heaven accepts female anointed ones.

    Yet here on earth ,along with there service , elders and ministerial servants , with the Holy Spirits blessing , are appointed to there position in the congregation.

    Apparently there is no such scrutiny , guidelines or procedures in place , no Holy Spirit , or performance of service to determine who is an Anointed person , so that any tom dick or harry ,mary jane or joan can claim to be an anointed person and it is accepted by the Watchtower organization .

    Can you imagine every male claiming to be an elder in a congregation if you use the same guideline/ leeway that is given to the anointed ?

    So why does the Watchtower Organization even acknowledge those that claim to be of the anointed in the first place.?

    Why do they even list these numbers in the YB ?

    I would appreciate your thoughts on this subject , hopefully I have explained my thoughts clearly .


  • prologos
    I think anyone reading Rev 20 would have second thought about their "calling"; You have to be killed by the axe, guillotine, or may be knife by ISIS, to be eligible. jws don't read their bibles enough. but you have a good point at least there is gender neutrality though among the anointed claimants., and at least the Vatican has a court and devils' advocate in their saint choosing.

    They don't accept them, not really.

    Rutherfraud closed the heavenly gate without authority in the 1930s. That decision was made because the "facts" made it clear that the END was at hand. Oops!! Now we have a problem.

    As the "Generation" slowly died off, it became clear that Boozerford was wrong. Who would claim the throne if there were no anointed left? Booze had witnessed first-hand what a schism could do to an organized religious/business model. Leaders were needed, theocratic leaders.

    No more anointed, meant no more divinely appointed leaders, or FDS/GB as we would call them today. That meant there would be no ruling class and no sheep to rule over. Without "God" calling the shots, nobody but nobody, would follow the bat-shit crazy dictates of a cult. Mystical manipulation is key and for that reason, "anointed" must exist. The question remains: Who would qualify for that lofty position?

    The WTBTS inc, is a corporation, a living entity with parasites hanging on for dear life. The existence of the Organization is all-important and eclipses everything else, and everyone else. Widows, Elderly, the poor, children, none of them matter to the Pharisees running the show. Only the Company matters. This means that only company men are accepted as "genuine anointed."

    The 80s taught us that the WTBTS can and will DF any who oppose them. They DF'd a GB member for daring to have a conscience and attempting to clear the merchants from the temple, so to speak. They also DF'd people for being "right" when the Organization was wrong. Many were accused of being self-decievers and apostates for suggestion that the FDS was comprised of only anointed at HQ! LOL!!

    All of this nonsense stems from fear, IMO. Fear of the world at large, fear of life, fear of losing control, which is an illusion. At any rate, power had to be consolidated, and Boozerford excelled at that. Once you hoard something like power, you don't give it to just anyone. You give scraps of it to those who hunger for it, those who will do anything for it. Brother Eccentric, who believes that helping orphans and widows is more important that filling out a service report, does not desire power. He doesn't want a position over others, he has nothing to lose by disagreeing with corporate policy. Therefore, he is a poor candidate for the GB, and a possible danger to the hierarchy.

    The WTBTS had a challenge on its hands. How could it marginalized the all-important future rulers, without disrespecting them outright and showing its cards? They simply waited for them to die. As time passed they quietly slipped in concepts, like not maintaining a network of anointed. Then they printed articles stating that "anointed" don't know anything more than non-anointed, like non-anointed Elders. So, "evidently" the Holy Spirit doesn't actually teach anointed Xians like Jesus said.

    This makes sense from the WTBTS's point of view, a cult who demands conformity above all else. Such conformity would be impossible if men and women felt empowered to stand up against HQ. The corruption that exists right now would not be possible, or not be centralized as it is now if individual Xians were speaking out and cleaning house. Then again, things could be worse. Can you imagine TOMO running his own congregation?!? ( SHUDDER....)

    As it stands now, only the GB are genuine anointed. Sure, someone else might be, but only if they support the company policies 110%. When GB Helpers magically become GB members, no one will question it. If Sister Cat-Lady partakes and says, "The Org should stop soliciting funds.", she will find herself in a star-chamber hearing, faster than you can say, Meow-Mix."

    We also have to consider the history of failed prophecies in the WTBTS. The decrease of anointed was last mentioned, at least to my knowledge, in the Special Talk, "Is It Later Than You Think?" It was mentioned that this decrease was one of the signs that we were in the Last Days. So now what? Does the WTBTS admit to another failed interpretation or wrong expectation? Or, do they continue their spin-doctoring ways, using passive-agressive tactics to lable every "anointed" but those at HQ as mentally and emotionally imbalanced?


  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog - "...label every 'anointed'... as mentally and emotionally imbalanced..."

    A surprising display of honesty. :smirk:

  • ttdtt

    So if its just 144K - how did that number not get filled up in the 1st Century? I mean - the bible says the world was filled with these teachings? There were 2 Million Jews in Jerusalem alone? Then you got Paul all preaching to the rest of the world? Did you message suck so bad even then that only a small fraction of lunatics would accept it?

    Splain Lucy!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    With these comments, and understanding, it has to come to pass that the 144,000 HAS to be accepted as ''figurative'' eventually. Do the JW's not realize that if the 144,000 was ''literal'' that number would have been filled in the 1st century.

    Yes, the way it's going now, the number of partakers could perhaps someday exceed 144,001. How would the Borg explain it's way out of that one?


    I think the old GB are going to let Sanderson and the GB Helpers handle the rising number of partakers.

    Can you imagine the GB sitting around their big, corporate table, saying that the majority of partakers ( excluding themselves, of course.. ) are mental? What complete assholes. Seriously, they are more deluded than any R&F who believes they should partake as an Xian.

    What douche-bags!! Lying about pedos, lying about their false prophecies, joining the UN, joining the OSCE, hedge-funding all over the place, stealing money from the sheeple. They suck.


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    And, what someone else said somewhere here recently. They may even start in a way to ''fade'' out the importance of the number of the 144,000 and just focus more on the importance of the memorial.

    They might eventually ''fade'' this away by not printing the number of partakers any longer and just quit talking about the number 144,000.

  • smiddy

    Surely sooner or later they will have to say the 144,000 are a symbolic number , we all know they are slow learners coming to grips with obvious changes that have to be made .

    Evidently the G.B. are not that bright.


  • Vidiot

    ttdtt - "...Did your message suck so bad even then that only a small fraction of lunatics would accept it?"


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