Pioneers, Elder's Wives most self righteous. Etc.

by Overrated 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fadeaway1962

    My wee sister , been to ske , construction projects ,we all call her elder (her name) she sends us all JW stuff to encourage us even though my bro who is a elder ,and her elder husband whom she pushed encouraged to reach out just let's her .

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I know one who is becoming more rigid. Goes along with her fairly new elder husband becoming more " zealous". They pushed their kids right out. With help. I used to like him

  • hoser

    It seemed to me that when a new circuit overseer came to town they would always stay at the home of the most gossipy, intruding elders wife.

    That way if you weren’t in you would know at the first meeting by how the CO and his wife treated you.

  • Overrated

    I had one nosey elder's wife who I told her to just say the word that I no longer have to came to the meetings and I will go do something else with my time. I was a little late to meetings and this sister had to counsel me on it.

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