Probably one of those maroons we get from time to time, who are too lazy to, you know, actually read any of the threads here, and who think this is a pro-JW site, and so try to "shock" everyone here.
Acts 17;24
by jehovahs is dead 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Acts? -- 1 kings 8:27, even the multiverse does not contain him. so why does it matter you think he has expired?
not endorsing. have seen more uplifting art than that.
waton ,how about the art work of Boris vallego , he gets my vote.
I thought at first it seemed rarther therapeutic.
Maybe someone who has just awoken. I know I went through stages of feeling like this.
Half banana
Hello J is dead, perhaps for you he is dead and if you were a JW then congratulations!
Actually I can't believe that he ever lived outside of myth in the first place.
The source of christianity is clearly derived from the earlier beliefs as you show. . . and just to add, the Egyptian mother of The Saviour was also known as Isis Meri, Meri = Mary. Another interesting link is that when Horus resurrected his "friend" El Osiris, it was his other self. Complicated, unless you understand the whole of the ancient myth but sufficient to say that the Bible repeats the fact that Lazarus was Jesus' "friend" as in the Egyptian story of 2000 years earlier.
What is it that walks on the water in the early morning? It is the Sun god if you are looking over water that is. Even the heavenly Sun God has his other self reflected on the the earthly planet below.
Your graphics have the element of fear which cults use to frighten people into believing that by contrast some pure religious state exists. You won't survive God's wrath unless you do what the cult leaders tell you!
Cold Steel
First, I question most of the crap seen in these posters. Having studied mythologies, much of it is pure garbage. If the stories are read next to each other, the similarities pretty much vanish. Where, for example, does it state that Krishna or Horus were born on December 25? And why should it matter since Jesus was born in April or early May? Anyone can post anything without documentation, and there's precious little of it in such charts.
There may not be any evidence of Horus being born on December 25 but there plenty of evidence that the Egyptians and others equated thier gods with planets and the sun. There is also plenty of evidence that Jesus was modeled after the God Serapis which was a hybrid god with the attributes of Osiris, dyonisus, Helios, Zues, and others. One can see all sorts of similarities between ancient Egyptian religion and Christianity.