Hello, everyone.
For decades the Watchtower Corruption and Lying Corporation (hereinafter
referred to as "The Cult(tm)" has successfully prevailed in Court over their destruction of lives and families due to their disgusting and perverted disfellowshipping policies. What they've done in effect is to argue that their First Amendment Rights must prevail, so they can then turn around and use that right to deprive all of their members of that very same right and liberty that comes with that right. In typical Cult-Think, they think this is "fair and just."
Does a Cult have a Constitutional right to take away inalienable rights (rights granted by God himself) of its members? I'm specifically talking about the right to quietly have a family and raise one's own children without a religion stepping in and INSTITUTIONALLY DESTROYING that right? This is what the Courts are going to decide. I think that when all comes to light, the Watchtower Cult is going to be screwed. I say this even though I'm well aware that the Courts in the US have typically let religions get away with many things they shouldn't be allowed to get away with.
Some months ago, I presented information on what I feel is a landmark case which has the potential to eventually legally force The Cult(tm) to forever cease its Institutionalized shunning and to cease its enforcement of that shunning with the blackmail and duress of threatening that very same shunning on all members who fail to enforce it. I believe this case has the potential to be MUCH BIGGER than even the Institutional enforcement of shielding child-rapists. I say this because if The Cult(tm) can no longer enforce shunning, then victims of child abuse can step forward to the authorities and professionals without fear of reprisal from The Cult(tm).
In this case I presented, a former JW mother was shunned by dubs and her own family members in front of her very own children, causing the children untold stress and creating problems for them that affected their schoolwork, mental well-being and even their health.
What was noteworthy about the Judge's order in this District Court was that the Judge ordered the elders in the congregation and members in that congregation to NOT shun this mother in their presence when she is with her children. Even her own mother was affected by this ruling as she was a dub and treated her own daughter as if she didn't exist in front of her grandchildren.
This woman's ex-husband was ordered by the Court to evenly split domestic assets with her and to make payments his share of their debt. Did he do so? Just read this Complaint to see how thoroughly evil The Cult(tm) has conditioned this man to be. This "Godly Christian" man was previously held in contempt of court for violating a number of court orders and sentenced to 30 days in jail. The sentence was suspended. Do you think he learned his lesson from that and started being a decent human being and a decent father to his children? Read on to find out, but don't read on if you have a weak stomach. The ex-dub mother was able to get the Court to order her very own dub mother to stay away from her grandchildren, as the grandmother was poisoning the minds of her grandchildren against their own mother. This is so sick, it's hard to believe it actually happens.
The ex-husband perjured himself in Court as did the dub City Overseer. How did the City Overseer perjure himself? He testified UNDER OATH that he had never HEARD OF and The Cult(tm) had NEVER PUBLISHED the "Organized to Accomplish Your Ministry" book!
This is a long read, but unless you're in the mood today to talk only about pizza toppings, it's worth it. It shows Watchtower Evil in all its glory. There are SIX children involved with this Watchtower Evil who are being horribly affected in this tragic case. Reading this will break your heart. I t did mine. The good news is that this lady has a top-notch major law firm which has consented to tackle this case pro-bono. This law firm is also representing another huge lawsuit against the society by a very high-profile ex-dub.
1. PLEADINGS. I have filed an Order to Show Cause in Re Contempt.
2. On xxxx xx 2002, I attended a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses held in xxxxxxx at the xxxxxxxx Center. After listening to the session for approximately an hour I saw the Petitioner with the children sitting across the arena from myself. I also noticed that they were sitting with my parents.
(Note: the grandparents were ordered by the Court to stay away from their grandchildren.)
3. This greatly distressed me and I called Mrs. xxxxx xxxxxx to ask what I should do. She immediately came to the convention and brought with her a camera to photograph the situation, as I was too upset.
4. The convention included a drama depicting apostates and how they are to be viewed and dealt with at the expense of a good relationship with God. An announcement was also made stating that since not all in attendance were Jehovah's Witnesses, purses, cameras, and other valuables should not be left on seats for fear of theft by non-believers. A part for youths also admonished young persons not to be snared by "worldly associates including relatives", but to put a career in the full-time ministry as a priority.
5. In spite of court orders, the girls have been continuously exposed to teachings that would degrade me as an individual. These meetings include instruction on the wickedness of any commemoration of Mother's Day, the difference between "true" Christians and false Christians in the "world". As of the current August 2002 edition of the Kingdom Ministry, to be studied on Thursday evenings, family members who are not Jehovah's Witnesses are to be shunned at all costs. This is completely contrary to what Petitioner's witnesses have testified to in this Court. Testimony was given to attest to the fact that shunning never influences family arrangements nor supercedes them. Their own evidence points to the contrary. xxxxxx (one of the children) has now stated that the Petitioner is encouraging her to be baptized in the near future.
6. To date my credit reflects negatively due to Petitioner's non-payment of bills ordered by the court. I have not received copies of any letters given to creditors as an explanation that I may give when seeking relief, nor has my attorney, as was ordered by this court.
7. On my first summer weekend with the girls we had made plans to attend the xxxxxxxxx Rendezvous with friends. We were told by the girls that Petitioner had made plans for them to go to xxxxxxx with friends. We agreed to change our plans so we could take our daughter and swim there also. We were told by the girls that the friends were Jehovah's Witnesses and that Petitioner had made arrangements to take them. We would not be allowed to be in their company or the vicinity of the group they were with. So as not to spoil their plans, we conceded. We later decided to go to xxxxxx later that day to take our daughter swimming as our plans were spoiled anyway. We phoned the girls to let them know we would be there if they needed us, but would go our own way, so as not to embarrass them. We found that Petitioner had since left the girls there in the company of friends and had not told us. He had returned to work in xxxxxxx. This disturbs us that Petitioner feels free enough with the girls to make plans on our weekend, and then leave them in alternate care without letting us know. We would have liked to follow through with our plans had we known they were not actually visiting with him anyway.
8. Teachings that distinguish faiths taught to the girls are still having a pronounced affect on the children. On xxxxx xx, 2002, my stepdaughter returned to her mother's home and expressed fear of "false Christians". Her mother asked what she meant and was told that xxxxxx had told her there are false Christians, of whom I am one, who are to be avoided at all costs. Her mother was deeply concerned over this as she is a professed Christian and xxxxxx, age 6, was now in fear of teachings of her own mother. I wonder now, what will be told to our daughter who is now 1 1/2 when she is older about me, and also to our new son? Will these teachings affect our family life as well? If the court orders were abided by in the first place, we would be on the road to recovery as a family. Instead, we are at exactly the same spot we were in 4 years ago. Mr. xxxxxx and Mr. xxxxxx both saw the potential for abuse of religion in this case if Mr. Xxxxxx (the dub ex-husband) were allowed to continue, and he has willfully defied court orders in this regard only causing more damage to the children. After learning of this conversation between the girls we asked to speak with Mr. (Ex-husband) after dropping off the girls with him and he refused to speak with us. The police were called and we left. It is this lack of communication that is causing most of the problems in this case. For the sake of the children, we need to deal with problems, as adults and certainly abiding by court orders from the beginning four years ago, would have resulted in a much healthier atmosphere for the girls now. As things stand, the girls are still in the middle and being emotionally kidnapped and spiritually blackmailed. They are now imposing this on other children involved.
9. In July of 2002, I had a conversation with Mrs. xxxxx xxxxxxx and she mentioned bumping into one of her daughter's old school teachers and speaking with her. They found that they both knew me and at one point the school official said that Mr. (ex-husband) had called a meeting with several persons at the school and had informed them that he had custody of the girls because I was "mentally unstable", a claim that is also made several times in this Court. Three months later, on October 7, 2002, when dropping off xxxxxx at school, I was approached by the same person in the hallway at the school. She wanted to see the new baby. She mentioned having spoken with xxxxx and apologized for believing anything she had heard about me. She stated, "once I met you, I wondered where all that had come from." I asked her what had happened and she said Mr. (ex-husband) had asked to speak with the teachers and principals at the school and, through this meeting, they learned of my 'condition'. I have always been very active in the girls' schooling and have left my name and phone number with every teacher the girls have had in their new schools, and often wondered why I was never called. I did go on a field trip but only by invitation of the girls. In the xxxxxxx School District, I worked in the reading and remedial departments weekly. I would have liked the opportunity to help and be involved this past year and (her daughter) especially has asked why I don't come to the school any more. I now understand why I wasn't called. The teachers had heard that I lost custody due to mental disabilities. This is exactly the same tactics used on the children to alienate them from my husband. Petitioner was granted a restraining order based on unfounded claims only to damage his relationship with the girls. False allegations were also used as a tactic against me with church authorities, and ultimately to damage my relationship again with the girls. This allegation is now being made to distance me from the girls' education, something that is very important to me.
10. I am again concerned about (another daughter's) loss of weight. In the past year she has lost 8 lbs. At a time when she should be gaining. She does not eat lunch at school and in insistent on the fact that she is overweight although her weight is well within the guidelines for a healthy 12 year old.
11. On October 26, 2002, while lying in bed with xxxxx, she hugged me and said, "mom, you don't know how much I miss you." I asked what she meant. She told me she wanted to move home so I could take care of her. She said that she and her sisters had had a discussion the week before in regard to her wanting to live with me still. She said they had agreed that they would speak with the Petitioner and suggest that (the two older sisters) stay with their father while letting xxxxxx return to live with me. She told me that she didn't have anyone to really take care of her. The older girls were taking care of themselves and she felt left out. She said she sleeps with (the ex-husband) due to not having a room of her own and is embarrassed her friends will find out. She told me she has no one to do her hair or getting her clothes ready for school. She recently burned her arm while at home alone getting ready for school. She cried and asked why it should be up to the petitioner to decide where she lives and not her. She also said that they had brought the matter up to petitioner and he had said he would think about it. Then when she asked him personally, he told her that if he gave custody of xxxxxx back to me, I would not allow her to see him anymore, which is untrue. I feel this was only said to scare her and is emotionally abusive. I, too, have seen evidence of her not being taken care of in the manner she is used to and try to do all I can to help her. I feel the petitioner is only interested in retaining custody to retain control of the situation, as has been the case from the beginning. He is not interested in her welfare, only his own appearance. He also has the girls under the impression that he has complete control over where they live and whom they see. She asked me to never stop fighting for her and asked to write a letter to the court. She asked if she could make another tape recording for the judge like the one she made when she was 5. I am enclosing her letter and a copy of the tape.
12. xxxxxxx also told me she made a Mother's day card at school as was pressured into giving it to the Petitioner's mother instead of me. She told me she would make me another one.
13. The girls spent the Halloween vacation at our home. Our little girl xxxxxx was getting ready to go out with her dad and (an older sister) wanted to go with her. (An even older sister) told her upstairs that if she lives with us she would be forced to do pagan holidays. She also threatened to tell her father if xxxxx came with us.
14. xxxxx is again adamantly stating that when she is 18 she has been told that she will be able to find out my secrets from church authorities. I have no secrets and she is welcome to speak with them concerning me if I am present. I feel this has been done to put doubts as to my agenda (purported) in the girls heads and undermine my efforts to gain their trust.
15. Petitioner has disregarded the orders of this court dating to the first in 1998. Child support was not paid, marital bills were left in my name a run into serious delinquency, emotional trauma was placed on the girls using religion, religion was also used against me and Mr. xxxxxx, causing him to be disfellowshipped partially for supporting me, a restraining order was placed on my (current) husband and he was accused of murder and rape, possessions were not returned even with a police escort and court order in hand, the children and I were left to sleep on the floor of an apartment for 9 months due to lack of support used to control us, my credit has been damaged and will not return to acceptable status until 2008 while the petitioner accepts cars and furniture and appliances as gifts from my parents who support him to garner visitation of the children against court orders. xxxxxx's teeth are in terrible shape while he carpets his home and buys TV's, entertainment centers, and entertainment systems. His disregard for his responsibilities is not even enforceable with court orders and must be reported repeatedly to this court while wasting time and resources for all involved. He has sworn to uphold orders he knows are impossible by his own standards and used witnesses to perjure themselves for his defense. When questioned in regard to the lies told by his witnesses, he stated, "but I didn't lie, he did." He has used lies, deceit, and pity along with spiritual and emotional blackmail to control every issue and neglected the welfare of the children. Now they are made to feel they must support him and his tactics or be a victim of them.
16. Petitioner has supplied (one of the older daughters) with a cell phone now and is in constant contact with her through it. She carries it with her constantly and will not leave it home even if we go for a short ride.
17. For the sake of clarity and emphasis I will list the harmful messages I see the girls absorbing:
A. They are learning that we put our own desires before the needs of others, including those we profess to love, such as our own children.
B. They are learning that children like themselves are not to be treated as
people with needs and rights of their own, but used as tools and weapons in the quest for power and profit by adults.
C. They are learning that ordinary family differences and disagreements are to be resolved not with love, understanding, and compromise, but with bullying and deceit. They are learning that communication is done through court documents and attorneys, not loving parents.
D. They are learning that women are second-class citizens and that they too, must fall into that rank. They are set up to fail in relationships as they have learned to justify violence, bullying, and use of force when not called for. They are learning you are either a bully or a victim.
E. They are learning that principles and values are something we adhere to only so long as they are convenient, and that we can invent the rules
according to our momentary pleasure.
F. They are learning that when someone disagrees with us or has other ideas or beliefs than ours, we need not listen to him, even within our own family.
G. They are learning the methods of the bully, which in other contexts we
attempt to discourage and protect them from.
H. They are learning that anyone in their family can be eliminated when they fall out of favor - including, perhaps, our children themselves.
I. They are learning that truth and honesty are only to be used when convenient for ourselves and our benefit. To lie in the face of the enemy is warfare. To act against what is true and right can be justified.
J. They are learning that a parent can be reduced to a visitor and any respect for them or feelings for them are conditional and to be used for whatever we intend. To hide details about our lives, and ourselves is excusable if done to protect someone else.
K. They are learning that to put themselves in danger by associating with persons who have willfully hurt children is all right if it is done in the name of protecting a parent.
L. I believe it is these lessons that account for the alienation and the
adversarial relationship that so many children - especially the children of divorce - are now developing toward the justice system, the society in which they live, and their own families. I am sad to admit it is these lessons I see being displayed and enforced for our children in this case.