To dinner living or dead..... who would the be?
If You Could Invite Any 3 people
by new boy 25 Replies latest jw friends
days of future passed
My grandma who's dead, my old lost friend Scott who's dead and brian who I don't know if he's alive or dead.
My father, his mother, and my son.
Why? I never met my grandmother. She died before I was born. I would like to ask her what attracted her to the teachings of Pastor Russel. That would be interesting.
My father died when I was still a snotty teenager. I understand him so much better now and would like to have a cocktail and an adult conversation with him.
I would give anything to have just one more day with my son. He would be nearly 37 years old now. I would love to introduce him to my father.
Four generations that barely overlapped. One gone 70 years ago one gone 50 years ago and one gone 15 years ago. Imagine their reactions to the JW.Borg changes!
I believe in overlapping
The first man and woman to walk the earth, whether they were created or evolved doesn't matter. And Jesus Christ to determine if he was a crazy dude or not, and if he realized people afterwards considered him God or the Son of God.
resolute Bandicoot
The first man and woman to walk the earth, whether they were created or evolved doesn't matter. And Jesus Christ to determine if he was a crazy dude or not, and if he realized people afterwards considered him God or the Son of God.
No, no overlapper, just invite the first woman, she must have been a stunner, dressed only in a few leaves.
In no order.
- Winston Churchill.
- Jesus
- Bennalong. and other indigenous Australians who first saw the ships arrive
I believe in overlapping
No, no overlapper, just invite the first woman, she must have been a stunner, dressed only in a few leaves.
How about--------NO LEAVES!
Miriam Margolyes.
My hero. Straight talking, no nonsense, very funny.
My Grandmother.
Actually would be good to get her back from the dead a few months before the dinner so she could make some of her amazing chutneys and Elderflower champagne for the dinner. Also she could get to see my son (who would be serving so I can get him in too).
Christopher Hitchens
neat blue dog
Jesus of Nazareth, George Lucas and Joseph Rutherford.
Now George Lucas sounds good.