ANNOUNCEMENT CLIP ...2015 Annual meeting Sam Herd confirming what we knew a month ago about slow down and halt of worldwide construction
by Watchtower-Free 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
He needed to read out from a script, word for word, just to make sure he got the spin conveyed correctly. -
Did he say that KH construction would continue but only in places where it could be afforded? Does that mean the local witnesses will have to pay for their own KH construction on top of their monthly tithe to the WTS? -
Barrold Bonds
ahahahaha amazing.
"We're cutting costs but it's not because of a lack of funds" (even though they literally said there was a budget shortfall earlier this year)
"Y'all gotta make sure of the more important things, namely giving us money."
How fucking stupid does he think we are.
"The Kingdom work is expanding at an accelerated pace."
Really? You just spent 3 plus minutes telling the audience that we are cutting back or cutting out special pioneers, Bethelites and slashing the magazines again. I guess it's kinda like May's broadcast..."we don't coerce members to donate" and then you spent another hour begging and guilting members to donate more.
You just can't make this stuff up!
The double talk is astounding.
Sam Herd first says....
The cutbacks, Directed by the GB, are
- Branch and Assembly Hall construction projects worldwide be delayed, reduced in scope, or in some cases cancelled.
- KHs built or renovated in proportion to whatever the brothers are able to contribute for this purpose.
- Bethel families are being reduced at all branches.
- Temporary Special Pioneers will be reduced significantly, and some reduction in Special Pioneers in affluent countries.Then he says,
Please be assured that these adjustments are not being made because of a lack of financial support on your part.
That's probably true. So what has the Organization done with all the money that was donated, collected from Brooklyn property sales, and taken from congregation bank accounts? This amounts to a windfall of cash easily totaling more than a billion dollars, a windfall that the Organization has never had in it's history. They should have more cash than they know what to do with. He didn't address this of course. Will they ever?
He continues,
The Kingdom work is expanding at an accelerated pace, and we can only do so much with the funds at our disposal.
If the Kingdom work is accelerating, why all the cutbacks in Bethel personnel, construction work, Special Pioneers, and literature (not mentioned here, but mentioned in other announcements)? All of these things would be needed if the expansion reports are true.
Then he adds,
- We will be reducing personnel at Bethel
- Bethel family members will be caring for many of the services that were previously provided by fellow Bethelites.Those services, which he didn't identify, would likely be what we've already heard about - laundry services, house cleaning services, and waiters in the dining room. All cut and sent home.
Again, why all the reductions just when the work is expanding?
Then he adds this loving remark,
The response of the Bethel Families to these adjustments has been heart warming. We love them for it.
Ok then. Thank you for all the straight talk.
@ 2:23 to 2:33
TheListenerYes. You were Listening! And you Herd (pun intended) correctly! There will only be kh's built were the brothers can afford them. I have certainly noticed a significant slow down in new kh's over the past 2-3 years. I'm a former elder and was very involved with the RBC. There used to be a constant buzz about all the new construction that was on the horizon. The buzz is gone and so is the money. I've subtlety discussed this concern privately with other brothers to get their opinion as to where all the money has gone. Most are not too concerned but several, including long time elders, are starting to wonder especially now that all the cut backs, reductions, and layoffs have started.I'd like to think that we apostates could subtlety get a ground swell movement going that would make rank and file jw's start asking "where is the money"? Start asking the brothers in your congo and see what they think. At the least, the question will keep this topic fresh.just saying!eyeuse2badub -
I get the impression that they may not be short of cash at the moment, but they feel the need to reduce expenses and put aside money for potential court cases coming up. Between Conti, the Uk and the Aus Royal Commission, there is untold amounts at risk and they need to prepare so that in the future they do not hit a crisis they cannot cater for. -
Doesn't sound to convincing, looks like the GB is falling apart in opinion.
they are lying fools. I just wish my wife would open her eyes to the shite.
If you pay attention, you'll notice he never actually said that the Society wasn't experiencing a lack of funds. What he said was that these actions were not because of the rank and file. "These adjustments are not being made because of a lack of financial support on your part." Very carefully worded to give the impression that they're doing just fine financially, without actually ever making that claim.