You posted a comment from Francois a month or so ago and didn't get him credit.
That's really lame. If you have something to say, at least verbalize your own thoughts.
Also, I'd like to address one more comment you made:
Come on now put on your thinking caps.If we stand by and don't do anything now (we did nothing to provoke 911)
You really believe that? You remember the WTC's were attacked once before, right? Do you remember the truck that crashed through the gate at a Marines base in...<somebody help me with the country - I think it was Beirut?>....slammed into a building, blew up and killed 200+ Marines??? The attack on the USS Cole? All of this was unprovoked you say?
Well, to make it as simple as possible for you, this is all directly related to our FOREIGN POLICY - it has sucked for more than 2 decades now, and this war is going to make it even worse, not better. So you better get prepared for more terrorism because that's the path YOUR president is leading us down.
The previous thread was going well until it got out of hand. If people are going to comment on this, please do so in a reasonable manner.