Kim and Mikey won WT lost awesome!!!! They also mentioned in the latest video Bend Oregon down from 4to 2 congregations . This area was once a hot bed for JWs and just to the north in Redmond Or. another congregation gone. Also in the comments someone posted 10 Halls for sale in Canada effecting 43 congregations. Great news all around!!!!
Help! Mike & Kim videos all being deleted by Youtube
by mrmagic 161 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Can't stand to watch them for any more than a couple of minutes but very pleased for them! Well done them! Perhaps the WT will come back at them but let's hope not.
They mean well. I wish them well. They are a bit too shouty and 'Jesusy' for me.
I'm not sure why they're so hung up about Freemasonry though.
punkofnice: I never was too Freemasonry myself, but you have to admit that this assembly hall in the shape of an all seeing eye is quite interesting.
Click here for google map view -
I think Russell could have easily been a mason, I mean he got caught up in the remnants of The millerite movement and then pyramidology
Stephy - I agree that a$$emb£y ha££ is certainly very 'all seeing eye pyramidy'.
I was part of a freemasonry lodge at one time. It was all very nothingy. They all believed in god 'the great architect'. I then had no choice but to become an atheist when confronted with lack of evidence for any supreme being. I was sad that Odin didn't exist though...yeah, gutted in fact. Thor is cool too.
JW GoneBad
The WT is not the only one who lost...Where the hale is Fisherman? Somewhere sulking and pouting for sure!
The WT is not the only one who lost...Where the hale is Fisherman? Somewhere sulking and pouting for sure!
My posts on this thread were replies to other post stating that KM violating copyright laws is the moral thing to do. I never stated that KM should loose or would loose. I have consistently posted that if KM violated copyright laws or violated a Court Order whether or not the Court is moral, KM would pay a price. How did I loose?
How did Wt loose since wt material continues to be copyright protected and still subject to Fair Use? Also, Fair Use is not a license to use copyright material indiscriminately other than within the parameters of Fair Use.
Also how did WT loose? Aren't KM still worried? Didn't KM say that wt is not pursuing the case until wt attorneys actually argue the case in KM's venue?
JW GoneBad
...Oh, there you are Fisherman! :) :)
That was a good one! You lost the bait but you caught Fisherman.😀😀😀😀😀