I have a ritual,,,,,,, I refuse to get up on Sunday mornings, well make that all mornings.
It is so nice to not HAVE to do the same , boring thing week after week. No looking in the closet for a miserable dress, running late , holes in the pantyhose, can't find the kids shoes, can't find a watchtower for this Sunday, although you have the week before and the week after , 10 or 15 of them , because you never placed them anyway, telling your son to get up for the 15th time, going out the door to realize you don't have the keys, running around looking for the keys,and your hubby has to unlock the kingdom hall door, and it's freezing, imagining all the friends standing outside the hall waiting on you, saying 100 cuss words on the way to the hall, arriving sick to your stomach , and putting on your happy face, all the while wishing Sister Has it all Together, would just kiss off!!!!!!!! ( So how is that for a run on sentence!!!!!!!!!???????????)
Ah yeah , brings back memories and I don't miss it at all,,,,,,,,,, what a relief to throw that burden off my back.