but have nowhere to go.? When you KNOW that so many things are untrue,whether it be doctrines, policies or history, and these Bethelites still hang on, you've got to wonder WHY. Is it fear? Is it the fact they have no real skills? Are they worried about how people would view them? What do you think???
Don't You Think That Many Bethelites Know This Isn't The Truth.....?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Is it the fact they have no real skills?
Not all Bethelites are janitors, housekeepers or waiters. There are just as many skilled workers there as there are laborers.
Personally, as I became aware of the problems with the borg, it drove me further and further away from it. I started looking for excuses not to go to the meetings. I started hating having to go out in service, especially when I was required to work a lot of OT at Bethel. How much full-time service did they want me to do?? but yeah, I gradually grew more and more discontent and spent every moment I could in Manhattan walking around, going to bars and music events, rollerblading...ANYTHING to get me away from Bethel. Finally, I said enough is enough and left and went back home. Deep inside I knew once I got home I'd plan on getting on my feet and getting my own place...then I'd be able to gather my thoughts and figure out what I wanted to do w/ my life. Not even 3 months passed and I was out of my folks home, truck packed with all my stuff and I hit the road for the California.
Life has been great ever since. I wasn't afraid of trekking of starting over. Of course not all has been peachy since I left, but I contribute that directly to leading such a sheltered life in the Borg and not having any street smarts whatsoever. It was sad leaving behind so many friends - I've cried several times over because of that, but it was something I had to do. Finally life makes sense to me.
I think the Bethelites that really figure things out get out of there ASAP. Maybe some stay due to their family and friends, but personally that bond, although it was very valuable and appreciated, was not as important as the freedom of my mind. I couldn't tolerate the trapped, controlled feeling any longer whereas I feel some people need that in their lives.
To each his own....
Those Bethelites in their 40's, 50's and older, don't have much of a choice. They are stuck. Even if they have a skill, who's going to hire an old man?
good point.
Ain't much hiring going on period right now anyways, no matter how old you are. But yeah, that's a tough situation for sure. The only jobs that hire older people like that are places like Wal Mart and fast food restaurants. Hard to live off of income like that.
If I had the money I'd start a support group for those in that predicament. Life can be so unfair sometimes...
I'll bet you anything, that if there was a program available, like a halfway house, to assist Bethelites, so that they could carry on and begin a new life, hundreds of people would jump to get out of Bethel. I have friends that are Bethelites and they used to always relish telling me about the real reason for the Society doing this or that. I used to say to myself that these guys really did know what was going on, but in reality where would they go to if they ever had to leave? These "Society men" are really just like the rest of us except they really have nowhere to go. Watching how Ray Franz and others struggled would give anyone second thoughts.
Forget "truth". What about accurate? Has the information been accurate? Has the literature been accurate? Have the speakers at meetings and assemblies been accurate?
The information has been inaccurate but the message is truth. Gimme a break!
A third grader knows that can not be right!The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm
And your point is??? You say tomato, I say tomatoe. You say accurate, I say "the truth".
: Those Bethelites in their 40's, 50's and older, don't have much of a choice. They are stuck. Even if they have a skill, who's going to hire an old man?
So what? I don't feel the least bit sorry for them. Every "new boy" in Bethel realizes its a cattle-factory for bodies and a hypocritical piece of shit religion within the first week of getting there. If they stayed there for 30 or more years, then they are idiots.
I say to hell with them. They never felt sorry for the R&F while they were enjoying their "Bethelite" prestige. They don't deserve any compassion.
Farkel, Do you think Ray Franz is an idiot?
That question about Ray is a tough one. When did Ray realize that it was a farce? It had to have been before he did the research for the Aid book, as the legend goes (i think). So why did he stay? Possibly to effect change; i remember toward the end of his stay that our "ministry" was in fact also made up of our daily work, our conduct and was not limited to field service. He began to debunk the idea of all of us being ministers, and also to push the idea that most of the prophecies about the paradise applied to the spiritual paradise, NOT earthly. I assume he was responsible for calling us Jehovah's CHRISTIAN Witnesses for a time, and the KM was for a time Our Kingdom Service. As soon as he was kicked out, all of those things changed back to the old, now new again, way. Remember, anyone?
I wonder if he just took a tolerant attitude, and maybe thought that it was all part of running a big organization, sort of a don't watch the sausage being made kind of thing.
I do know that many of the people that my brother was at Bethel with left the org very quickly after they left the big house.