I read on this forum some time back that he was adopted and his real name was Tony Esposito ? Anyone heard similarly?
"Who is Morris III?" Showed up in an FB thread--A surprising answer followed.
by oppostate 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Zappa: I read on this forum some time back that he was adopted and his real name was Tony Esposito ? Anyone heard similarly?
Rumor. That was also debunked on this forum.
Lots of rumors about this particular member of the 7 dwarf team. Lots of threads and bits of info scattered around on this forum. He is a conundrum or maybe chameleon is a better term
There was a thread some time ago that investigated Tony's military claims but I can't find it right now. It was a good thread
Oops, sorry, Zappa. Maybe that wasn't debunked. It was mentioned again on this thread here (I found the thread I was looking for):
problemaddict 2
Hmmmmm. This seems like a bit of a stretch. Even the WT profiting from philip-morris stock isnt overly surprising or even outraging honestly.
When you invest in a fund, or have a wealth manager, they may buy and sell all sorts of stock. I have a fund through a financial advisor, and i honestly have no idea what is in there. Theoretically if i died and left it to an organization.....there could be somethkng in in morally objectional to them, that they would "profit" from by liquidating my gift. I dont know what other choice they have.
Mad Irishman
Oh my God. This is the Internet at its funniest. Tony Morris has no relation to the Phillips Morris family or business. I knew him many years ago. He has always been drop-dead poor and so was his whole extended family. To Tony there is only the Witnesses. If you knew him you would know that. He is one of those people who literally cannot talk about any other subject. I know born agains like this. I know JW's like this. He was in Vietnam. When he got out and became a Witness all those years ago he wouldn't shut up about it. It was in every one of his talks in the 70's.
A few things to clear up. Tony was not a witness when he was in Vietnam.
He never looked like the photo of that Joseph Parisi someone else posted in that other thread. In the early 1970's he was balding with black hair and looked much like he looked now only thinner.
He isn't someone else pretending to be Tony Morris. He's always been this same guy.
I can vouch for who he is going back to 1971.
If you met him (going all the way back to the early 70's) you either love him or can't stand him. He's not someone who leaves anyone in between about how they are going to feel about him.
I recall very clearly that in one of his talks he does say "I come from a wealthy family" and that they often question why he spend his time in this church rather that being involved in the family business". Back then when I heard that was the first time I wondered the same thing in this OP
He has always been drop-dead poor and so was his whole extended family.
It doesn't add up as StarTrekAngel said Tony^3 has claimed in public talks that he came from a wealthy family. Either he did or he didn't. Or maybe he's in the habit of telling different things to different folks... Ummm, and that's not so surprising either for one of the 7 G'warves!
Didn't the dubs at one time discourage investing in the stock market? Wasn't It supposed to be like gambling? Hmmmm. Seems that went out the window once the WTBTS figured out they could make money from investing in stocks. And wouldn't R&F dubs be told to get rid of any stocks relating to military contractors and/or tobacco?
Brokeback Watchtower
AM#3 said in a talk that his parents were wealthy and he went to his very old father for some money I think to give the WT corporation and his father warned him about giving money to a religion, and AM#3 said that his father didn't realize that he was the Society so it must have been when he was made a GB that this occurred. Not saying he in anyway related to the P Morris tobacco company. So would think that he's got money now and perhaps had far less when he was pioneering and perhaps his parents gave him some money whiched allowed him to pioneer and such, which might explain his disconnect when it comes to giving bethelite volunteers some type of financial help and not just kick them to the curb to fend for themselves.
Brokeback Watchtower
A true fanatic is AM#3:
He isn't someone else pretending to be Tony Morris. He's always been this same guy.
I can vouch for who he is going back to 1971.
If you met him (going all the way back to the early 70's) you either love him or can't stand him. He's not someone who leaves anyone in between about how they are going to feel about him.So he was bonkers way back them and now he's hard core insane for sure and he's driving Jehovah's chariot right off a cliff with his creepy obey jehovah's organization and everything will be okay bull shit.