Hemoglobin Infusion??
by Vetro 20 Replies latest watchtower medical
I just got the new document about blood fractions from the WT, they will allow you to choose hemoglobin, but apparently not packed red blood cells, but in the medical journal I see nothing about hemoglobin infusions, is this even possible or just more bullshit from the WT? -
Isn't hemoglobin the main component of blood?
Everything you need to know about hemoglobin:
I don't know what insurance company is going to pay for that. Or what specialized blood banks carry it. -
breakfast of champions
A generation is two overlapping generations. . .. . .
Asking for money is not soliciting funds. . . .
Kingdom Halls aren't churches. . . . ..
A Hemoglobin infusion isn't a blood transfusion . . .
Makes sense.
Welp, on further research I found there is really no such thing as a hemoglobin infusion available, there were some experiments done in the past, but zilch onthe market, nice going with the false choice GB, might as well said you can choose magical fucking pixie dust. -
I did find this interesting
" FDA spokeswoman Karen Riley said in a statement "There have been significant safety concerns raised about this class of products." Conversely, the US Navy criticized the FDA.[2] According to the Navy the FDA's review of Hemopure was flawed: "The reviews had consistent patterns of erroneous, misleading, and anecdotal statements, reporting bias, changing requirements, no 'sense of urgency,' " as well as conflicts of interest."
So much bull shit from the Borg. -
Dissonant: I don't know what insurance company is going to pay for that.
There are JW owned insurance companies that sell health insurance to the JWs who can afford it. There are several that have been around for many years.
Vetro: I did find this interesting
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HemopureThen you may find this interesting too:
There are JW owned insurance companies that sell health insurance to the JWs who can afford it. There are several that have been around for many years.
Who are these companies?