What was jesus doing for the first 30 years of his life?

by atomant 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • atomant
    30 years is a long time in the life of a human yet little is written about this time frame,l wonder why?
  • OneEyedJoe
    All I know is that if I'd wandered off and when found asked my mother "where'd you think I'd be?" I would've gotten the shit slapped out of me for being a smart ass.
  • zeb
    Learned to be carpenter with out the use of power tools, studied nature and people about him, read the Pentateuch.
  • moomanchu
    As a teenager, did he ever have a boner ?
  • sowhatnow

    well, apparently as a child, he was quite the magician and brat. [the infancy gospel of thomas]

    and if you read the book of Thomas, he must have had smoked or drank some serious shit to say those crazy things .lol like wow, must be missing words or something, lol

    i always tel my mom, hey if Jesus was the all important son of god, how is it he has so little in the bible written about him?

  • prologos
    If perfection means that the "Desires incidental to Youth" are perfectly repressed, who would want it? The reason that the bible is silent about these things of jesus, is probably that is better not to talk about his exploits. Ask the elders the grief that young people 13 to 30 get into. Woodworking without power tools is a great muscle builder, and boring (pun intended), but in the end will strengthen you for action where it counts, in the beds you made.
  • atomant

    For jesus to truly know what it felt like to be human, its only natural that he had sex at least once,otherwise he woulda been left guessing.And he would be in a much better position to judge.According to the bible he didnt experiance sex he didnt get married and didnt father children so how can he be a perfect judge having not experienced any of these human experiences l ask?

  • opusdei1972
    He seemed to have been a follower of John the baptist for a while. Then he decided to create his own sect. My take is that he never did a real miracle. His divinity was invented by his disciples.
  • Captain Schmideo2
    Captain Schmideo2

    John 21:25-"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

    But it sounds like marketing hype to me. Kind of along the lines of "This product has features too numerous to mention" meaning it has like five more minor, forgettable features.

  • ttdtt
    He was making Perfect Stools and Tables of course!

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