It is yet possible that this will present a problem, I don't know how it may play out in court. True, they are not destroying official records, but it won't look good in a deposition if elders start saying they destroyed their own notes under instruction from the WTBS. Jurors are going to here that and ask themselves "Why?"
Do all congregations have to destroy all documents related to cases of Pedophilia?
by opusdei1972 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Its not in the USA - that was only UK as far as I know. -
WTS Archive
Jurors are going to here that and ask themselves "Why?"
@JeffT: No, they won't. Because the UK law (data protection policy) forbids the congregations of storing any personal data on their members without member's knowledge and consent (it is actually true for any European Union country). If they would NOT destroy them, they could be fined hard.
And then again keep in mind, that this instruction does not affect child molestation files, which are handled differently, as stated in the checklist and BOE letters. So there is nothing to say about this in the court, because that wouldn't be an issue.
Beth Sarim
Oh,so it's only the Elders' only personal notes to be destroyed?? Thanks for that clarification.
But still, following WBTS rules over the law to destroy ''personal notes as evidence''. Lawyers and jurors will ask ''WHY''. That'll put interrogated ones on a very tough place.
Oh,so it's only the Elders' only personal notes to be destroyed?? Thanks for that clarification.
But still, following WBTS rules over the law to destroy ''personal notes as evidence''. Lawyers and jurors will ask ''WHY''. That'll put interrogated ones on a very tough place.
Asked and answered, they destroy the personal notes because keeping them would be against the law. It's a non issue.
I'd like to see the US version of this letter. -
Beth Sarim
The letter was posted somewhere here a few months ago. Just after the Royal Commission I believe. -
the girl next door
There is no US version. This was laid out by Watchtower to comply with the UK Data Protection Act. -
Beth Sarim
OK. Thanks. That's why there is no letter.