The WT ORG is proud that it never loses court cases, oops. This is such good news, they have no where to run
Latest UPDATE UK Charity Commission investigation
by Watchtower-Free 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Good news
The watch tower really know how to make problems for them selves.The charity commision have a duty to make sure that all charitys obey all the laws and rules of the uk government and if the borg wont give them records to have a look through then all sorts of alarms bells would be ringing in my head as to why not. Ican see lots of happy days to come for us and all the children that have been abused.
If the society had nothing to hide, then why did they take such an obstructive course??
They just look guilty by not complying with the "superior authorities"
Vidiot in the UK we don't have "separation of church and state", but we do have freedom of religion.
The charity commission apparently decided long ago that "Bible education work" counts as charity.
Maybe the purpose of the exercise is to raise awareness about the lack of charity going on rather than actually aiming to get them removed.
No Apologies
When you say "we", who exactly are you referring to? What do you mean by opening an inquiry? What exactly are you inquiring about? I'm not in the UK so if this is some kind of legal process could you elaborate on the details?
No Apologies
The WBTS' fundamental objection is that the Charity Commission wants to change how they do their internal policies, which they say interferes with their religious rights under Articles 9 and 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights. So expect them to push things to the European court now, if they can get its attention.
Happily, Article 9 clearly sets out the limitations on religious freedoms too - and I think the right of children not to be abused because of Brooklyn's willfully negligent safeguarding policies will be too strong a case for them to argue against. Section 2 of Article 9 clearly places the Charity Commission's actions within the law, as the British legal system has agreed.
Losing charitable status is a long way away. Could happen, but the WBTS will have to really, really try to force it to happen. There's a whole lot of other sanctions which the Charity Commission will look to first. One of the funniest is that they can, if they choose, put their own trustees in charge of a charity and have them write an adequate child safeguarding policy to send out to congregations under the Bethel corporate heading. Oh the great tribulation... we're being persecuted... they've made us have a policy which helps protect children and vulnerable adults from abusers...
Great news!!!!!!!
Now that Britain will exit the European Union, the watchtower may not be able to rely upon European law to defend them?
Signing up to the European Convention on Human Rights is not linked to EU membership. So Britain would have to leave the convention too, which is also very possible.
European law doesn't defend them here really, it's just an extra court they can appeal to and delay things a bit more.