Yes an elder actually confessed to me that 50% he said from the platform was rubbish. That was in 2006. Now in 2019 I have recently been thrown out of the Watchtower organisation. Why? Well here's a video I put together showing early events to do with this.
Elder Confesses 50% is Rubbish
by Anna Marina 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Your info video is spot on and done with intellectual honesty and intelligence.
The WTS has used and applied presence due to its own devised doctrine of 1914
The WTS has always been apostates selling and promoting Christ's return in 1914 and his presence in the following years
An act going against Christ's own condemnation to his faithful followers in setting a time or date upon god's own sacred time, that not even he knows of the time.
Well Done Ann
Hello there, Many years ago I met a wife of a serving elder and ex-P.O. at the hall who I suspected was there to sow seeds of doubt. Not exactly a "wolf in sheep's clothing" as such, but someone stuck there in a multi generational JW family. She was ever so keen to show me the generational changes in the Watchtower the very meeting in (1993 was it?) after the magazine had been received in the congregation. Do you remember the article that changed the meaning of the generation? And she went straight from pointing at the words in the Watchtower, and looked me in the eye and said, "Do you know, I've been here years and years, and I've seen people come and go, come and go, for years and years, come and go." And she just looked at me and smiled.
Anna Marina
Thank you Finkelstein. It wasn't until that 2005 talk that I realised something was so seriously wrong with their doctrine that it was a deal-breaker.
I had never understood their interpretation of presence. I understood about the 1914 calculation and was skeptical and challenged this elder and at least one other on it while I was still studing. I feel I was misled when the elder referred to in the video told me that 'if the GB have got anything wrong, they will correct it.'
Well he didn't tell me WHEN they'd correct it. Nor did he tell me that if I wrote to them pointing out a serious doctrinal error, they'd neither acknowledge they were wrong nor reply to me. I'd just get told, 'wait on Jehovah and don't talk to anyone about this.'
After this event in 2005/6, I found Ray Franz's website online and wrote to him about what had happened to me. He helped me to understand what was going on.
Anna Marina
Hi ballistic
I was baptised in 1992, so I was a newbie to some of those older teachings. I was talking to one today who was brought up in this man-trap for Christians cult and he told me how he spoke to an elder and said, 'we are bringing people in through the front door then they go straight out the back door. It's all wrong. Why are people leaving?' The elder had no answer for him.
Sounds like elder's wife (in your comment) was trying to warn you but she was not allowed to be open with you. I remember the very clever comment of a District Overseer's wife. Regarding the organisation she said, 'respect it for what it is but don't take it too seriously.'
road to nowhere
Where is the 50% right?
Anna Marina
Oh we'd get told things like this
(Matthew 16:5-12) 5 Now the disciples crossed to the other side and forgot to take loaves along. 6 Jesus said to them: “Keep YOUR eyes open and watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” 7 So they began to reason among themselves, saying: “We did not take any loaves along.” 8 Knowing this, Jesus said: “Why are YOU doing this reasoning among yourselves, because YOU have no loaves, YOU with little faith? 9 Do YOU not yet see the point, or do YOU not remember the five loaves in the case of the five thousand and how many baskets YOU took up? 10 Or the seven loaves in the case of the four thousand and how many provision baskets YOU took up? 11 How is it YOU do not discern that I did not talk to YOU about loaves? But watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” 12 Then they grasped that he said to watch out, not for the leaven of the loaves, but for the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Anna, do you want to know the sad truth? I didn't know at the time what this lady, sorry "sister", was telling me. It wasn't long until I was out, but it was many years before I decided to work on my thinking skills, and I don't mean intelligence, I mean actually the ability to "let go" of everything you hold as secure or solid in your mind.
Anna Marina
Hi ballistic
I knew some of the teachings were wrong. I remember as we sand songs about he harvest time, I thought, 'this is wrong.' Then they changed the teaching about the sheep and the goats and I'd never even been taught it. I thought, 'who on earth ever believed we were in the time when the sheep and goats were being judged?'
But what i didn't realise was that many of the elders were actors and that somethings were said to deliberately confuse and baffle and would never get changed.
Beware what you are working on, or you might end up on the Governing Body.
Damn near every doctrinal change the WTS has made was because the prior interpretation had become so demonstrably wrong that a six-year-old could see it.
What's really ironic is that even the changes invariably turn out to be just as wrong.
By that logic, they have always been wrong.