My kid was reported twice, smoking, hubby stepped down and never achieved that LEVEL again- refused Kid never got baptized, best thing that happened from such a small thing. Sometimes things work out
Exes: Would You Rat On A Current JW?
by NotFormer 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Serious crime, I would call the police. I would never contact the elders or get involved.
My "half-in" aunt's "unbelieving husband" took delight in reporting JWs in town for ANYTHING he thought might be illegal, or unchristian to the cops, elders, or anyone who would listen.
When I was an elder he would aproach me at family reunions to try and bend my ear with a litany of complaints on a long list of people.
Strange bitter guy. His 30 + grandchildren would not visit him...or anyone else. Died alone. I never once repeated any of his venomous accusations.
Anony Mous
Nothing would happen, you're not "IN" therefore you cannot say anything about them, everything is a lie. You're below female children even when it comes to status.
Maybe if you "come back" they'll take you seriously, but if you are DF'ed or even on your way to be DF'ed (people confess to many things in the judicial meetings or try to pull comparisons between them and another 'sinner'), once the elders decided you're going to be DF'ed, anything you say is irrelevant, including but not limited to CSA.
This causes some really interesting chain reactions though. You'll have someone DF'ed, they want to stay in, so they'll be coming back and repentant and then 6-9 months later they get reinstated, then a few weeks/months later someone else gets disfellowshipped, because once you've confessed or pointed out these things that others have done and not been punished yet, the elders will remember when you get reinstated. Then people start getting worried about the "spiritual health of the congregation" and it's all downhill from there, more comes out, the CO starts a witchhunt amongst the elder bodies and in the span of 2-3 years the entire congregation has been demoted, DF'ed or reproved.
F-in everyone in the congregations has a holier-than-thou attitude, until someone is in the hot seat, then the beans get spilled elder's wife is a drunk, she cheated with him, his kids had sex with their kids, he beats his wife - EVERYONE suddenly knows something about someone else.
Foolednomore, I got McDonalds lunch right before field service, with my then fiancée. Some JW, they wouldn’t tell me who, reported that he was smoking. It was a straw! Such assholes these witnesses are. We put up with so much crap from jealous morons.
Biahi- Just loved the self righteous dumbasses that where in the congregation that create so much gossip and trouble. But no worries now. I leave those toxic people behind me.
"Exes: Would You Rat On A Current JW?"
Unless it's child abuse or something like that, I feel zero responsibility or desire to do such a thing.
Beth Sarim
What DamnTheTorpedoes just said!!!