It's not your conduct, it's your status

by donny 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donny

    JW's often state that their practice of disfellowshipping is used to keep the congregation clean and free of "worldly" influences and the like, however that is just pure B.S. In actual practice, all they actually care about is your status according to the Watchtower Society. Case in point is Ray's situation.

    Ray disassociated himself about 20 years ago because elders and other JW's were constantly spreading false rumors after he quit attending meetings. After a while of putting up with this, he wrote a letter of disassociation which then placed him on the black list of JW world.

    From that point on he was cut off and ostracized from the community he had been a part of for many, many years. His wife filed for divorce shortly after and moved away with his three kids, one son and two daughters.

    Over the years he did nothing to harass the Witnesses but yet he was considered as dead, described as a bad person, an evil slave, a person full of demons and so on. Actually he is a very nice guy and remarried a few years after his wife divorced him and has done well for himself.

    His son remained in the religion and is now an elder.

    Daughter #1 married a JW about 12 years ago and divorced him 2 years later. She then married a man who was in the U.S. Marines and unfortunately he died in Iraq about a year later. A year later she moved in with a man with whom she has had two children out of wedlock. She left him for about a year and lived with a 4th guy, but has now reconciled and is back with #3.

    Daughter #2 faded from the religion after she graduated from high school several years ago and has told her mom and friends around her that she does not "believe that shit" anymore and is an atheist.

    As of today, Ray is still considered someone worthy to be shunned even though he has no animosity toward any JW's nor has said anything negative about them.

    However, his two daughters have never been counseled, marked or disfellowshipped from the organization even though their lifestyle is known by several elders and other Witnesses. They can still attend meetings and freely associate with those in attendance.

    Why is that? Because their status has not been updated to one worthy of being shunned even though their lifestyle says otherwise. The youngest daughter even plays golf on occasion with an elder in the congregation she grew up in and he knows how she feels about the Witnesses and religion in general.

    So it is not your conduct or lifestyle that makes you unworthy of fellowship, it's the status or label that is assigned to you by the Society that does.

  • fulano
    Who are you talking about?
  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    It sounds like another Ray not Ray Franz.

    And hopefully Ray is a pseudonym.

  • millie210

    You are 100% correct Donny. Unfortunately.

    Here where I live there is a JW who has been DFd 3 times and reinstated. He is very charming and friendly to the elders.

    Since his parents have died he has dropped off with meeting attendance. He only shows up at Memorial. He married a non JW and he invites his kids over for Christmas. It is well known that it is him celebrating it and not just his non JW wife but not a single thing is done.

    Another guy had a horrible life growing up...mentally ill JW mom, single parent home, he has fought his way in to a relatively good life. He was baptized as a 12 year old but hasnt been in a Kindgom Hall since he was in his late teens. He is in his early 30s now and living with his girlfriend. A campaign has been mounted by an elder to get him disfellowshipped. It will probably happen even though he doesnt go to meetings or talk to any JWs.

    There are literally hundreds of examples like yours and mine..

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's not what you know (because knowing TTATT get you outta there), it's WHO you know.

    Or, who ya blow. Lots of ass kissing goes on in the bOrg.


  • donny
    Yes. Ray is a not his real name, but I know him. I also an friends with a guy who is the son of a Circuit Overseer. The son became disenfranchised with being a JW and faded away and is now an atheist. His dad gave him instructions on how he is to behave so he will not have to cut him off. This has been going on for about 14 years now and he still fellowship with mom and dad and any other Witness for that matter.
  • Perry
    His dad gave him instructions on how he is to behave so he will not have to cut him off.

    The key is secrecy. As long as people sorta behave themselves and don't talk ill of Mother Church, then even if you leave you still will probably get thrown an emotional bone or two now and then by relatives.

    The secrecy (facade) is what they want to protect the most.

  • Vidiot

    donny - "It's not your conduct, it's your status"...

    ...and how loyal to the Org you are...

  • donny
    Not loyal at all.
  • Vidiot

    Perry - "The secrecy (facade) is what they want to protect the most."

    One of the rare occasions I agree with you.

    Desperate to maintain what they suspect - deep down - is an illusion, because the alternative is unthinkable.

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