freeatlast1914.... Stop LYING!!!! Its called Theocratic Warfare.
I have existentially df'd you from the congregation. Gongrats!!
by stuckinarut2 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
freeatlast1914.... Stop LYING!!!! Its called Theocratic Warfare.
I have existentially df'd you from the congregation. Gongrats!!
Just imagine that Jackson, Spinks etc are sitting in their Judicial Committees for lying or "bearing false witness" in their Royal Commission testimonies.
I know it's just a dream.
You can't be DF'd, but you won't inherit the Kingdom according to the bible. So if there is a God and an ethereal kingdom/afterlife, the GB are screwed.
Lying is only a DF offense if YOU are accused of lying to THEM.
Lying or slander in the WTS congregation is hard to pin on any individual. It is very subjective with the elders deciding what is a lie and if the person is really repentant, a problem with any so-called DF sin.
*** w89 10/15 p. 14 par. 20 Guard Against Harmful Gossip! ***
Slander can lead to expulsion from God’s organization; a slanderer may be disfellowshipped, perhaps as an unrepentant liar. However, such action is not to be taken against those guilty of light gossip. Elders should weigh matters prayerfully, drawing a sharp distinction between mere gossip and vicious slander. To be disfellowshipped, the wrongdoer would have to be a malicious, unrepentant slanderer. Elders are not authorized to disfellowship anyone for trivial gossip that is motivated by human interest but that is not false or malicious. Matters must not be magnified beyond proper proportions, and there must be witnesses with substantial testimony to prove that slander is unquestionably involved. (1 Timothy 5:19) Unrepentant slanderers are expelled primarily so that malicious gossip will be quenched, and the congregation will be spared from becoming leavened with sin. (1 Corinthians 5:6-8, 13) But never should elders be so hasty that they expel anyone on unscriptural grounds. By means of prayer and counsel, they will often be able to help the person to repent, apologize or otherwise make amends, and make continued progress in taming the tongue.
KateWild - It's all a sham and dependent on your status with the elders
Katewild. Perfect statement to describe a JC. It is who you know, your status and which family you belong to.
Precisely! And coming from a 'status' family can work to your disadvantage, if your family wants to make an example of you.
I know someone who was df'd for malicious lying so yes.
he was a pathological,liar and fraudster, the elders were advised to go with the malicious lying angle by the branch because the fraud was too difficult to prove.