Like LoneWolf, I am much dismayed at the haughty nature of many women on this site. What is this world coming to, when women don’t know their correct position in subjection to men?
Thankfully, God’s Channel of Communication to Mankind (tm, patent pending) have always been aware of the matter and addresses the respective positions of men and women. Hopefully, the independent-minded women here will take to heart this advice.
In finding a wordly authority that really understands womens' proper position, they explained what this independence leads to:
*** w56 10/15 639 Man's Rightful Role ***
Describing the plight of many of today’s families, the psychiatrist said: “When man abdicated his responsibility in the home he forced his wife into a position of leadership for which she is not prepared. At the same time, the male children were deprived of paternal supervision. This too frequently results in weak, passive males inadequate to take over the leadership in the home because they never learn independence of female leadership.”
Women should by now realize that they are not only responsible for their own faults, but for the faults of men as well.
This especially applies when poor mislead men (obviously resulting from being dominated by women) commits rape. Look how horrible some women behave, by not staying put in the kitchen as they’re supposed to:
*** g73 2/8 30-1 Watching the World ***
Hitchhiking Crimes
* Hitchhiking is connected with many crimes in the U.S. Minneapolis has about eight serious hitchhiking incidents in a year; Los Angeles about three per day. Women appear to be one fourth of the hitchhiking population now; as a result, more sex crimes are involved. A police captain in Maryland says female hitchhikers “practically invite rape.” In 1971 in Los Angeles 22 percent of all rapes and 4.7 percent of all robberies were connected with hitchhiking. Neither offending drivers nor riders fit one pattern of dress or behavior.
And when this has happened, it is always the woman’s fault if she is raped, because it’s her duty to risk life and health to protect her all-important chastity (if he then commits necrophilia, she bears no guilt for this):
*** g84 2/22 24 They Resisted Rapists ***
At times they have a weapon and threaten to use it if the victim does not cooperate. Should a Christian quietly submit? No, the situation is not the same as when a man simply is asking for money or other material possessions. A woman wisely would give him these. But the rapist is asking a person to break God’s law by committing fornication. Under such circumstances a Christian is obligated to resist.—1 Corinthians 6:18. ‘But could not resistance be dangerous?’ someone may ask. Yes, it could be.
When a chaste woman is married to a God-fearing man, she should understand that she has become his property. And property often bears the mark of their owners. So also with wives:
*** km 3/79 4 Pioneers and Their Reports ***
* Married sisters should show “Mrs.” and then their husband’s first name on their monthly report cards (e.g., Mrs. John Witness). If someone else makes out the card for the pioneer, it would be appreciated if the pioneer would check to be sure that the name is correct.
* When single pioneer sisters marry, they should supply the Society with the husband’s first and last name and the date of the marriage. Thereafter they should list their name as requested in the preceding point.
Above all, she should realize her proper position in the relationship:
*** w56 9/1 525 The Divine Origin of Marriage ***
MARRIAGE is a close union between two parties. The main party to the marriage is called the husband. The other or lesser party to it is called the wife.
I hope that all women take this godly advice to heart, and hereafter continus to follow Brother LoneWolf’s advice to stay pretty (for their husband’s enjoyment) while ”showing discretion” by keeping themselves from criticizing the Men (Proverbs 11:22).
- Jan
Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]