It depends what you mean by "go away". We might see people returning to work in a month or two, but it will still be there - we'll just hopefully have slowed the infection rate so that the medical system can cope with the ambient infection rate from then on as some level of herd-immunity has built up.
There's still likely going to be hot-spots where outbreaks may require local shut-downs and quarantine.
Longer term, there are going to be healthcare implications as there is growing evidence that this can cause long-term lung damage. Even if it doesn't kill you now, it could still reduce your overall lifespan and quality of life.
There are lots of reasons to keep isolated and to try everything possible to avoid catching it until hopefully a vaccine is available.
The media have just shown us that they are trash and can't do a good job. They don't inform, they don't ask questions to elicit the information people need, they are still running their own agenda which is a mix of political activism or hyping panic for profit.