This is a tough question, full of double answers that contradict each other and yet are paradoxically both true. I was a very "good" JW in that I followed the rules to the letter (up until the last 2 1/1 years at least) and studied my brains out. Yes, if you would have asked me if my faith in God was "real" a few years ago I would unquestionably affirmed in the posative. In that sense, it was genuine. At the same time, such a faith had limits put up by the organization and the local jurisdiction of the brothers I looked to for guidence. Perhaps it was because I studied the Bible with rabid intensity for a few years after high school (I usually at least spent two hours a day studying the Bible -- verse by verse-- with the aid of WT publications) that I recognized there were some inherent problems in the Society and the Bible itself. I don't think I was emotionally or mentally ready to undertake the even deeper study of my questions at the time, though. Such a study had to wait a few years (till I was in my mid-20's).
So did I have a "true" faith? Well, yes and no. There were times when I poured out my heart with tears before what I thought was God. Outwardly I was the "organization man" and followed all it's dictates; inwardly I knew there were problems and longed for a more mystical and scholarly approach to the Bible and God. It's too bad I was raised a JW; if I was brought up a liberal Protestant I might have been able to keep some type of faith in a non-literal Bible and get more involved in scholarly studies. Unfortunately, I've seen how conservative, cult-like, corporate Christianity is like -- and I want nothing to do with it.
Does God exist? Maybe. I doubt it's any traditional concept of God that the "revealed" religions talk about. Quite honestly, even though I appreciate the "spiritual" in life, I doubt that any all-powerful being exists.
I hope I answered the question.
PS -- I know I have to send you another time good Sandy ;-) .