g’day bag people
Bookbag competition
by unclebruce 31 Replies latest jw friends
g’day bag people,
I bought my first 'witnessing bag' a week before I started regular pioneer service. I was young (15) and had saved long and hard to equip myself with a brand new ten speed bicycle, a brown three piece suit and a smart looking genuine crocodile skin bookbag.
First day out, with a broad smile and territory map all my own, I headed out to door knock the streets of old Klemzig. Unfortunatley, my zeal outweighed my tie-down skill and flying down a hill the ocy-strap poped and sent my hard earned crocodile skin scraping across the ashfelt into the path of an oncomming car! (talk about 'critical times hard to deal with' - i coulda cried!)
A week later Special Pioneer Lionel Dingle whispered in my ear that the worlds best witnessing bags are made by an Italian brother in a neighbouring congregation “see mine” he said “this bag has endured everything Papua can dish out, it’s been drenched by tropical storms, caked in jungle mud and soaked in the bowels of sea-going canoes” I vaguely remember him invocing Apostle Paul ..”neither mountain nor shipwreck nor …” before telling me in hushed tones “he only makes these for pioneers so you might be fortunate”
I took the hint and sought him out. Yes, after warily eyeing my pioneer card, he’d make me one. Even at half-price $40.00 was a lot of money back then (about one months gross pay for a struggling pioneer lol)
Well, here I am 30 years later and the thick leather bag’s as strong as ever. Like Lionels, this old bag became a solid and faithfull companion to me through desert storms and putrid rainforest muck. In recent years I used it to sales rep my wares and now it is here beside me choca block full of undergraduate notes and such. She’s a bit worn in places and the zip stopped working way back in my door to door days but I recon the old bag’ll outlast me by a year or three. Ah, they really don’t make ‘em like that anymore! J
This brother also made the most famous book-bag downunder. It measured aprox 300x250x120mm and sisters loved them. They were usually packed tight with magazines and other heavy spiritual food. I called them 'the brick' (a name that caught on :) It became common on Adelaide street corners to see women squating on thier bricks. (much to the disgust of men more interested in the appearence of things than the relief of aching legs. A battle ensued. The sisters won. The brick ban never eventuated. They could keep thier bricks and sit on them if they had to. (what stalwart women not giving up thier bricks! lol)
[b]Bookbag Comp:[/b]
Who here has the oldest bookbag?
The toughest? (anyone here with quarter inch buffalo hide?)
The prettiest?
Designer lapel? Grouchi? Christian Diok?
Yes you, how about it - your bookbag anygood or did you debase yourself with one of those poly vinyl crochides?
It's taken me a while to make this post stick mr.pc .. you uh'n cos a that or is that the extent of your vocab/wit?
I had one book bag that i sorta liked. I had the handles redone to something really strong. Took the zipper right out. Another brother also like it, and cleverly took ownership of it. Oh well, a couple of yrs later i dropped outta the book selling business anyway. Guess i graduated.
but SS surely a jw would never pinch a truth bag .. besides, they have so many uses!
why throw away a perfectly good bag? perhaps we could send them to englishman for his apostate rose garden (using book bags for pots .. call me kinky but hey, i'd pay to see that
unc who has truble lett'n go (you think mine might be security bag- ala charlie brown?).
They are also good for carrying around apostate materials and beer. I bet a baby roo would feel right at home in one
I found my old bookbag the other day and damn near crapped myself. It was like finding your old 'Nam uniform, or something....
nah!! bookbags 're a bit stiiff for a baby marsupial SS and unhygienic too .. animal pouches are soft and clean .. they're delicate little beasts ya know lol. (we use old haversacks with inner pillow slips of cotton and other naturally occuring fibres (like fox and bunny skins :)
LOL at the Czar!