So it looks like now I'm a return visit. I don't have it in me to be mean to the J dubs when they drop by so I chat with them.
On Thanksgiving morning one of them dropped by (my wife previously asked them to stop coming by). Our conversation went something like this:
Him: have you ever thought about coming back
Me: no I'm in a very different place now. the teaching of a great tribulation where 90% of the population dies sounds like mass genocide, not a new system!
Him: but the jws are based on the bible
Me: well not really. it's more of a theology that was built over 40-60 years that they cherry picked scriptures where needed to support the theology. most of jw teachings require major mental gymnastics to extrapolate from the Bible
Him: but what is your hope for the future (this is always the go to argument when you stymie them.)
Me: that's the magic. there is no promise of another life after this one. you have to do the best you can with this one.
I also told him how unchristain the disfellowshipping system is.
He seemed happy I was willing to talk.
Think he'll come back for more??