I also could not justify shunning people, in my conceince. It seemed to go against everything the bible stood for... (fruits of the spirit)
I didnt believe, from childhood, that God was not Omnipitent (sp?) or all knowing. The concept of "tempting" eve with a peice of fruit, seemed to also go against the statement that "God is a loving God", (but that belief is not original to JW's) My mother used to tell me that if you 'saw" him you would go blind... which to me meant that God isnt something we were really meant to fully comprehend for now. Yet they claim to know what God wants right down to (covering heads, and filling out time-cards)
I also believed that (cover your eyes ladies) masturbation was not some "unnatural act" .... I mean, they teach that sex in general can not be for pleasure, and it isnt natural to want it... It IS by my observations the most basic human instinct (apart from eating) for just about every life-form on earth.
I also could not justify that all its members should engage in House to House work.... To me that is a very heavy responsibility to go to the home of another, and claim to have the only path to God. Children who have not even "reached an age of understanding" have no business trying to make life changing decisions, for another human being like that. But they must be forgiven...."for they (truly) know not what they do". However, I would someday like to be given the opprutunity to go back and "staighten out" all the people I was forced, to impose these views on. How's that for the ultimate Apostate? And I truly hope that nobody I ever talked to is still a member of this cult, because of my actions. When I was very young, I remember a bible study we used to conduct every week with a very poor woman, and her three children (absent father) I remember that she seemed intimidated into it. very sad.
I cannot say that I have proof, or am justified.... these are just some of the things I couldn't buy into myself.... I could go on... and on... (like the energizer bunny)