Whenever they are saying "Peace and Security"
by watchman 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Just what we need. Another religious prophet. Gag!!
I agree, BARF!!! You are aware of what the bible says about false prophets, e-man, & your dangerously close to claiming the title of "prophet". Wow, I have'nt seen such a steaming pile of crap since I stepped in a pile of fresh st. bernard flop last week.
But where does the Watchtower becoming a member of the UN fall into the prophecy? Why did they become an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in order to fulfill prophecy. Why did they (the Watchtower) withdraw membership from the UN after almost ten years? Was that also part of the prophecy? Did Jehovah's Holy Spirit direct the Governing Body to temporarily join with the Wild Beast so as to confound His enemies and appear as an angel of darkness? So mysterious the ways of Jehovah are. Who can find true peace and security with these weighty questions on one's mind? How can we mere mortals ever hope to understand the reasons behind these complex actions and how they play into the final events of these prophetic last days? Fred Franz is dead, so we may never know the answers to these burning questions.
Just a question.... How has this character managed to escape the elders punishment? I thought they were against the internet.... and I thought they were against claiming to be prophets. I mean, he has links right to the WTS website.
Could this be yet another inconcistency? Hmmmmmmmm
Of course... we know they have a good answer for it as usual. One.... long..... boring..... generic...... answer.
I don't think anyone knows who Mr e-watchman is, least of all the elders in his/her congregation. People have speculated here, but got nothing concrete. AlanF think's it's You Know - but since we don't know who You Know was, that doesn't really get us any further!
e-Watchman: your proctologist called. He found your head.
This guy uses the same tactics the WT does.
I've had private email correspondence with him, and he uses the following tactics.
1) Assumption of "sole channel" priviliges, based on his own inherent righteousness. This includes the finding out and putting down of other people based on their "sins". Beware of anyone who tries to guilt you into doing anything.
2) Use of fear tactics. He actually said that I would die, certainly, at Armageddon in a nuclear fireblast. Beware of anyone who tries to intimidate you into doing anything.
3) Doubletalk. He claims that JW's are God's people, but at the same time, claims that they are going to be punished. He picks and chooses which parts of the JW doctrine he wants to keep (ie. he hates holidays) but feels divinely commissioned to restructure the entire prophetic basis of the dogma. Beware of anyone who tries to confuse you.
4) He sees himself in the Bible, as a divinely appointed watchman. Beware of anyone who has a Messianic streak.
He's done a lot of work on his slickly produced website - he's a well-read and well-educated writer. But he's wrong, and the cracks start to show when you follow his supporting links. You wind up in websites devoted to conspiracy theories, both right and left wing ravings about Masons, Globalists, and the like.
Avoid the Watchman - he's standing on the Watchtower!!!
@ watchman
@ Jeff T
@ Matty, Kat Newmas, Avishai, outoftheorg & Swan
@ Czarofmischief
...something tells me, we should all get ready to post our favourite troll photos. I have a feeling we're in for a barrage of them.
It's the beginning of troll season folks.