In my local area the jw know nothing about this judgment, and I'm not even going and try and tell them.
Contempt of court, case in San Diego county really disgusts me!
by Crazyguy 49 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Joe, email them anonymously.
Yep, sadly, witnesses know NOTHING about this issue!
Contact the media.
CRAZYGUY- I'm with you. I think it's utterly disgusting , horrific, and criminal that leaders of a so-called " religious organization " who CLAIM to be " Christian " cannot and WILL not do the right, principled thing and cooperate with " Caesar's courts " who WT leaders say they allegedly obey and respect. That's a lie. WT leaders are leading a criminal organization run by criminals who don't want to obey or cooperate with the laws of the land. WT leaders deserve any and all punishment coming to them - financial OR prison
Oh and yes- I have been shouting from the rooftops here in my geographical area about the San Diego WT court orders. People are listening- including younger JW's I talk with. And leaving these printouts at grocery store bulletin boards in a couple different towns s working at spreading the message as well
Does anyone have links to media coverage or court reports of this? My JW mum followed the ARC debacle, so I could draw her attention to this as well as long as it wasn't from "questionable" sources.
Half banana
Yes exjwsrock, why are the GB not doing the "obey and be blessed" routine with Caesar's demands?
Oh silly me! that's just for the rank and file drones.
Onager: Does anyone have links to media coverage or court reports of this?
That's 120,000 per month, nearly 1.5 million per year, if they don't produce the documents.
Even the nitwit GB have to know how bad that looks, that they'd rather pay hundreds of thousands or millions in fines, than produce their documents.