First I should say that I do not like Islam for multiple reasons, not the least of which is the Moslem treatment of women. Still, the free exercise of anyone's peaceful observance of their religion, including Moslems, trumps my personal preferences. Also, living in America, I evidently enjoy a greater degree of religious liberty than I see in recent years in continental Europe, something that continues to baffle me.
Today the European Court of Justice, the same group that has stood up for the rights of JWs, has decreed that it is OK for employers to ban the wearing of religious symbols among employees.
Obviously the target is the hijab, but one can only wonder if Jewish yarmulkes or kippot (men's skull caps) will be next. Then what about all the "JWdotOrg" jewelry among Witnesses? It has rapidly come to be for JWs what the cross has long been for Catholics and mainstream Protestants.
Your thoughts?