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Does Anyone Still Believe in God?
by LaurenM 447 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was sitting with my coffee, looking at the blue ocean water, the snowcapped mountains above the horizon,-- I thought about the 'Astronomy picture of the day', the smiling faces of my family, and here was this inevitable question:
"Did all this make itself---, or was it all, like the house I am sitting in, made in some way the work of someone? ?
how would a foul-mouthed commentator even matter, barely discernable if standing at the end of the lawn?
I am convinced there is a God, but I'm certain that he is not as religions (especially Jehovah's Witnesses) paint him.
I believe that as science makes progress, the various views about what is considered "spiritual" will be debunked to a certain extent and explained to a certain extent. This will result in many of the restrictive views of religion melting away as the true nature of what binds us together and initiated the universe becomes clear. And through that, our new understanding of how things really work, many of society's ills and imbalances can be righted. It will simply be a matter of truly understanding what is beyond us.
prologos:"Did all this make itself---, or was it all, like the house I am sitting in, made in some way thework of someone? ?
I had a very similar epiphany once while working as a teenager on a septic sewer pumping truck! Similar experience for sure.
how would a foul-mouthed commentator even matter, barely discernable if standing at the end of the lawn?It would matter as much as your constant self indulgent bullshit and my garbage blabber.
SecretSlaveClassan hour agoIt would matter as much as your constant self indulgent bullshit and my garbage blabber.
surely you can see that the commentators with big words are much easier to dismiss than the universe, when seen in perspective, The commentator gets smaller, the universe bigger, a 360 degrees , 13 billion horizon view, 3d.
please address the question of a possible deist creato!
truthseeker100an hour ago
I had a very similar epiphany once while working as a teenager on a septic sewer pumping truck! Similar experience for sure
as you can see then, it is good not to be too nosy, and you can be proud of yourself, nobody can ever say you never had a useful job in your life, which is the case with many in the upper wt echelons. so,-- to each his own Epiphany. ( the place was near my original special pioneer assignment)
Please deal with the subject matter, the creator, deist question!
and you can be proud of yourself, nobody can ever say you never had a useful job in your life, which is the case with many in the upper wt echelons. so,-- to each his own Epiphany
Why thank you Prologos Sewer sucking was always a passion of mine in my younger years. Its amazing what occurs to your consciousness when when your rootin around looking for solutions to life's questions. Sometimes they just come flyin right at you and stick!
As for a belief in a god I am not hard to convince just give me the next winning numbers in advance for next few lotto draws and I'll crawl bare naked through a 1/2 mile of fully engorged sewer sucking hose publicly extolling his/her/it or their deity.
truthseeker1008 minutes agoSewer was always a passion of mine in my younger years.
As for a belief in a god I am not hard to convince just give me the next winning numbers in advance for next few lotto draws
thanks, talking of younger years, I remember now, we went around with bent spoons tied to a long stick, and fished valuables that had fallen through the gratings of the storm sewers, and yes, in my younger atheist years ca 1945, the magic appearance of some food, any food would have convinced my that a Theist god existed, never mind a jack-pot. now more modestly, I am just a deist, convinced fhatjust to be alive is enough to convince me of a creator, no further evidence need, smelly or not.
It's somehow comforting to see that stupid posters are still proud of their ignorance and still posting away, proving stupid is something we can't fix, like a mental disorder