Very interesting, I believe I have a relative who was baptised at this convention.
1974 and all that
by Number 6 24 Replies latest jw experiences
Were you allowed to applaud the dramas? Or would that have been "glorifying man"? 🙄
Wasn`t it "Paradise Lost To Paradise Regained " book that taught the 7000 year creative day that led to 1975 as the likely date that would be fitting for Christ`s 1000 year reign to begin ?
I kept an open mind about that .....Maybe ,maybe not .
I was at a convention in Melbourne Australia for that , possibly at the showgrounds , I can`t remember exactly now as I`m now 84 , and my memory is not as good as it once was.
I`m sure the dramas were well applauded by all.
Black Sheep
There were different outcomes for The Great Crowd that survived the Big A and the resurrected, Look it up if you aren't aware of it already. The resurrected didn't get to marry, so if you died a day before Armageddon and got resurrected, your spouse was no longer your spouse and it would be a sin to have any hanky panky with them. To make it even worse, your ex spouse would now be perfect in every way, no wonky eye, no crooked teeth, no symptoms of aging, nice arse etc..
According to the literature of that era, Dubs on their deathbeds have a thousand years of some kind of non-sexual existence to look forward to.
We always applauded the dramas. Sometimes we would applaud a particularly dramatic part of it. We also applauded the speakers when they finished their talks.
JW crowds are the epitome of politeness.