BOE 2016-01-15 Re: New Feature on for Processing Recommendations of Elders and Ministerial Servants

by wifibandit 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • _Morpheus

    Re: New Feature on for Processing Recommendations of Elders and Ministerial Servants

    Dear Brothers:

    As a follow-up to our letter dated July 13, 2014, to all bodies of elders, we are pleased to inform you that the Web version of the Recommendations for Appointment of Elders and Minis- terial Servants (S-62) form is now available on For those who are able to access, it will no longer be necessary for you to send PDF versions of the S-62 form to your circuit over- seer.

    Once logged in to, you can access this new feature under the “Congregation” tab. Under “Members,” click on “Elders and Servants.” The congregation secretary (or another brother who has been granted the “Enter Member Information” role) may enter the information for the S-62 form by clicking on “Enter Recommendations.”

    For more information on how to use this feature, click on “Help.” Locate “Congrega- tion,” then “Members,” then click on “Elders and Ministerial Servants.”

    All the policies stated in the July 13, 2014, letter apply to this new method of submitting the S-62 form on Your circuit overseer will automatically be notified of any recommen- dations you submit. When submitting an S-62 form in connection with a recommendation for reappointment, it will now be possible to upload the letter of recommendation from the previous congregation.

    We trust that this new feature will improve the processing of recommendations of elders and ministerial servants. Please accept an expression of our warm Christian love.

  • nmthinker

    This is all very creepy. Is the candidate given notice that his name is being submitted for approval? What does the branch do with the submissions? Credit check? Background check?

    Have they digitized results of judicial hearings and submitted it electronically already?

  • sir82

    Is the candidate given notice that his name is being submitted for approval?

    No, absolutely none. Usually the first the person knows about it is when the CO and another elder corral him 10 minutes before the meeting starts and gives him the ultimatum, er, question, "is there any reason we shouldn't announce that you are now an elder?" At which point he has about 10 seconds to decide if he will allow his life to be irrevocably changed forever more thereafter. Most people, of course, are so flabbergasted that they can merely mutter, an "er, um, no I guess not" and ka-blam! you are an elder.

    What does the branch do with the submissions? Credit check? Background check?

    I suspect that they run his name through their database of child molesters to see if his appointment might cause legal issues down the road. That's about all I can imagine them doing. Well, maybe they check him against their database of everyone who has been disfellowshipped. If too soon after a DF, the appointment would get red-flagged.

  • pixel
    I wonder how long until every member of the Watchtower gets their own file on the WT server.
  • sir82

    I wonder how long until every member of the Watchtower gets their own file on the WT server.

    I can pretty much guarantee that there is a name on a WT database for every current or former:

    -- Elder

    -- Ministerial servant

    -- Bethelite

    -- Pioneer

    -- Anyone ever disfellowshipped

    -- Anyone who's ever written a letter or telephoned to Bethel

    -- Anyone accused of child molestation within the past 20 years

    With that list, that probably covers at least 2/3 of all active JW males, and maybe 25% of JW women.

  • pixel

    True Sir82.

    But I was thinking more along the lines of having a database of every member. That way when somebody moves to another congo, they won't have to write letters, but just selecting > and transferring to another congo with notes from the previews congo and stuffs.

    Let me just stop and don't give this loser ideas...

  • OrphanCrow
    sir82: I suspect that they run his name through their database of child molesters to see if his appointment might cause legal issues down the road.

    But...but...the WTS doesn't have the ability to do that, do they? At least....according to what they told the court, they can't separate out the pedophiles from the database - that would takes months...maybe years! And the WT wouldn't lie about something like that, would they?

    Database of pedophiles? Nope...the WT doesn't have THAT. Nope...can't be done...that would take waaaay too long. Just ask the judge. The WT doesn't lie.



    Hold on...the Holy Spirit is Wifi?!?! Has Jeehoogle been having server issues for the past 120 years?? Does Jesus know that restarting the modem doesn't always fix everything?


  • slimboyfat
    Can anyone send in recommendations? Can I send in a recommendation?

    Can we crash their server with mass recommendations??

    I'll go first! I recommend Jack Mehauf as an MS.


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