If a graduating high school student was contemplating college in 2008 when this talk was given, he or she's have been cautioned that the end is too close to get involved in higher education. The fact is, he or she would be graduated by now and would have already been working for 4 years and perhaps because of their abilities have been scooped up by Bethel and given one of the more desirable jobs. Losch would never have dreamed or admitted that this "system of things" would still be here in 2016....almost 2017.
The music continues as one by one, each of the dancers fall.
Daniel Sydlik, Theodore Jaracz, Raymond Franz( deceased,resigned in 1980), Lyman
Swingle, Lloyd Barry (deceased), Milton Henschel (deceased 5th
president), William Jackson (deceased,) Karl Klein (deceased), Grant Suiter (deceased), Albert Schroeder, Leo Greenlees (forced
resignation, deceased) Ewart Chitty (forced resignation,s deceased), Frederick
Franz (deceased, 4th president), Nathan Knorr (deceased, 3rd president),
George Gangas (deceased), John Booth (deceased), Charles Fekel
(deceased) John Barr, Carey Barber (deceased), Martin Poetzinger
(deceased) etc etc etc........