I get it! This is kinda your take on the old "Leave Brittany Spears Alone" video! Hilarious!!
by Esse quam videri 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I get it! This is kinda your take on the old "Leave Brittany Spears Alone" video! Hilarious!!
I don't love them
They are not my favourite
Yes, sure, we love the GB.
But, I do feel the need to see other people now and then.
Esse quam videri
Sure. I'll stop being disgusted with them when they man up about their FDS denial as heard from G Jacksons own lying mouth at the Australian Royal Commission. Have a good look at this man's lying, lack of sincerity, transparency etc...
The way he wriggled out of an honest and direct answer to the FDS and gods mouth piece on earth. Look it up on your WT CD be it 2011 or 2012, 8,000 hits on the subject that they are the FDS, over 2,000 on the GB being that FDS and a direct channel for Jehovah. And, that's just using their Watchtower study magazines and the one they promote to the public. They are the ones slamming God's name.
Are you not supposed to love God and Christ rather than men? You have become caught up in creature worship
"Leave Britney alone!!!"
I believe the OP is a parody.
After all, the GB do more good work by putting themselves front and center on Dub TV, then all of us Youtubers combined. They are their own worst enemies, not us!
Who are the real governing bodies in this world?
And why are women smiling sheepishly?
What is written in this book? Are they the puppet master in the background?