Stupid WT Q's : Is It Wise or Safe to Keep a Dog?  Demons—How Can We Resist Them?

by Sea Breeze 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hopeless1

    Well I came on here a bit depressed today, but you lot have certainly cheered me up and made me smile.

    They did a similar article on cats, I remember, and didn’t they say not to let pets in the room if a book study group was in session?

    I just know I should have gone then, or before in the 60’s when they said females wouldn’t be allowed to wear jeans or ride horses in the ‘new system’

    (Big animal lover here.)

  • HappyDad

    In the KH I attended, there was a whacko "brother" who said that all dogs are demonized.

  • FedUpJW

    in the 60’s when they said females wouldn’t be allowed to wear jeans or ride horses in the ‘new system’

    Does anyone have a reference to this, or was it just a verbal statement?

    If in writing I have a few people I would like to show it to, just as I did with the quote about it being a tool of Satan for a man to tip his hat to a woman or hold her chair out as she sat down.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    kites, windchimes, chess, movies, music, drinking too much, drinking too little, you name it. The WT has come out against just about everything at some point or other

  • Hopeless1

    FedUpJW -

    A hat tipping article is to be found in W52 4/15 p.255/256 under ‘Questions from Readers’ on JW website.

    Thinking about things, the stuff about ‘No females to wear jeans etc’ and ‘No riding of horses by females’ was probably local to the U.K., - can’t imagine anyone in USA, Canada, Australia and the likes and living/working on a ranch or farm would swallow that line of reasoning. However, being in my teens and being that the wonderful worldwide web had not yet been invented, I miserably had to endure the naggings.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I remember the scandal of neighbor girl wearing jeans with a zipper in front instead on the side. My interest was behind the zipper even at 8.

    Riding horses makes girls horny was the story but I never benefited.

    Need greaters get rid of their dogs, then miss the therapy provided. My dog is at my feet, cat asleep in a recliner.

  • greenhornet

    Wearing white socks to the meetings.

  • Biahi

    So, basically, you are not allowed to have ANY enjoyment or fun of any kind, if you don’t want to “make Jehovah sad”. No dances, parties, vacations (unless they involve working at Warwick , or pioneering), no holidays, no pets, no drinking to excess, no fulfilling career. Just slave for them 24/7. 🤮

  • Dagney

    I think there are some threads on her with hilarious Awake! articles.

    One we kid about...

    "Your Servant The Pencil."

    Ohh the valuable information the writing department gleaned from the encyclopedia!

  • luckynedpepper

    How about the article in support of obeying caesar's law when it comes to interacial marriage and dating?

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