Should I feel sorry for unprepared jws?

by solomon 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy3

    I have no respect today for those particulary older ones who still to this day defend and promote the WTB&TS / Jehovah`s Witnesses religion .

    Especially with their history of failed Bible prophecy`s ,re-writing their history ,and the availability of all of their publications on the internet and the very availability of knowledge that is available to anybody at a click of a keyboard .

    Their is no excuse for them in today`s society to be ignorant of the fact that they are just another man made religion that found its roots in the late 1800`s not unlike many other American man made religions of the times .

  • Simon

    It's strange when you think about it, but for a doomsday religion, they really didn't do much "prepping". For people that claim not to want to be part of 'the system' they depend on it completely.

    But I honestly don't think they are in a bad way particularly worse than anyone else. Right now the people who are the most important to society are the ones who are keeping the supermarket shelves stocked, the people wiping down surfaces and keypads, those working at hospitals and clinics. You don't need degrees for many if any of those things.

    Who we really have forgotten about overnight? People who think they are important because they are "educated" or celebrities. Who gives a rats ass about them right now?

    But to answer the question - yes, you should always feel sorry for anyone in a bad situation. If you find yourself gleeful at someone's misfortune, it says more about you than it does them. Especially if you don't know the people and are just projecting your own bitterness on the group that you used to belong to and they still do.

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