I remember that Jehovah's Witnesses used to have a 2-hour, 2-part mid-week meeting which included a 1-hour "Ministry School" followed by a 1-hour "Service Meeting". Please correct me if I am wrong in any respect but to the best of my memory the Ministry School was composed of 4 parts, as follows:
Part 1: An "Instruction Talk". Generally given by an Elder.
Part 2: A reading of a select portion of Scripture. Given by an enrolled brother and most often by someone young.
Part 3: A talk given by an enrolled brother.
Part 4: A demonstration given by an enrolled sister who is assisted by another sister.
Now the questions I have are these:
- Do Jehovah's Witnesses STILL have this "Ministry School"?
- If so, has there been any changes made?
- If not, what has the "Ministry School" been replaced with?
Thanks for any help you can provide.