By the way Amnesian, I caught your sarcasm! I laughed out loud. Have you considered working for the writing department (on a contract basis only, of course)?
Article in the Awake about us "Apostate Fighters"
by LuckyLucy 39 Replies latest jw friends
Shutterbug, this "QFR" was just my facetious sarcasm at play. Even while a loyal JW I always deeply resented the Society's force feeding us our "conscientious" decisions/judgements all the while craftily conveying the impression, through tricky wording, that Jehovah, and not we as individuals nor the organization , was doing the judging. The very appearance of any subject matter in a WT publication invariably assures that they already have an organizational position they're not merely suggesting but are ramming down the throats of JWs who'd better adopt the very same or else.
The Apostate Fighters - what a laugh...sounds like some opponents in the boxing ring in Las Vegas. How stupid...Watchtower fellas, you are the most ignorant, stupid, arrogant, pathetic excuses for human beings!
Wouldn't it be a hoot to author some "ambiguously apostate" articles that find their way into the mags? The dim bulbs could scratch their noodles trying to discern whether they were, indeed, receiving new light and the sharper ones would laugh their arses off "discerning" there'd obviously been a coup on Mt. Zion.
Gee, it wouldn't be that hard to create a complete spoof magazine. Somehow, I don't think our articles would get through the editors at Bethel. Unless they really are sleeping on the job. Hmmm. You have activated my creative gene.
I would like to see an article on:
Sports: heroes or idols? We could include a lovely shot of a catholic sports hero praying, hopefully with a crucifix in his hand.
We could start the JWWF...We could be the Apostate Fighters...Mexican wrestling masks, capes and tights...and of course they would come armed to the ring w/bookbags and polyester suits...*LOL* W/ a subsciption base of at least six million we could rake in some major Apostabucks...ehehe maybe place our HQ somewhere in Brooklyn even...eheheh
District Overbeer
JWWF,Valis you are a serious nut case,LOL!..I say we do pay per veiw fights..Ultimate fighting,martial arts/boxing what ever your style..Two men walk in the ring,one man walks out.. A member of WBTS vs a member of takes all profits from the fight,and donates them to the website they are affiliated with..WBTS won`t stand a chance.."When in doubt,knock-em out!"....LOL!...OUTLAW
Ok, so with us it is "Bitterness, pride or greed" that motivates us huh!
Bitter - over what? nothing before I stopped belieiving and started thinking
Pride? - too proud to swallow their baloney any more . Not pride just common sense . Incidentally it takes humility to admit that we have been wrong most our lives and be willing to listen to new ideas.
Greed ? for what ? I had good reason to stay where I was and receive the benefits of social standing , association and an easier home life . These we have given up for what Ray Franz called "Crisis of Conscience" . Our conscience won't let us say things we don't believe, thats all.
hI alamb, The article is found in the Feb.8,2003 issue of the awake page 12."The Bible's Viewpoint"section.Is There An Unforgivable Sin?
Alamb, that cover is red with a picture of a little girl on it.Entitled Child Prostitution A Tragic Reality.Feb,8,2003.Btw, the article starts out with a question,Is there a punishment worst than death? Yes,death without the hope of a resurrection because one has committed an unforgivable sin? Who could they be talking about?????????