Think they lost control of elders and congregation. That's the reason they don't have any rush to resume KHs meetings.
Jw spokesman Says door to door preaching not coming back!
by nowwhat? 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I waiting for them to get the rocks along the roads to start witnessing. Just load them with Bluetooths and start streaming half truths to the masses. Just like the old record players they use to tote around in the 40,s, they could pass out "talking rocks" to pioneers who could place them in strategic locations and they could claim another prophecy had come true, luke 19:40.
This JWS guy made an off the cuff comment which he really didn't have the knowledge and info.
A good guess is the door to door ministry will return when the Virus restrictions are lifted.
Count on it
Even if/when d-2-d resumes...
What's the energy and enthusiasm level going to be?
The JW 'ministry' was seriously flagging on its own...BEFORE COVID...
Literature carts grabbed a market share for JWs interested in getting their hours in via a new lower-effort method.
Give them all months and months off from proselytizing directly....
Is there gonna be a huge rush of JWs back into neighborhoods, knocking on doors, trying to engage religious discussion?
I think any effort to resume will fizzle.
It's just too easy not to do it, and now they all know it...
Literature carts grabbed a market share for JWs interested in getting their hours in via a new lower-effort method.
Good point Hybridous
The street cart preaching is so much easier and most JWs would rather do that that walk about calling on people's doors.
Though the door to door work might be left has an option just like before the Virus problem.
Though the door to door work might be left has an option just like before the Virus problem.
Yeah, I could see it remaining a seldom-used option for old-school try-hard JWs. Organizationally, a fizzled campaign to re-start door-to-door might do more damage than leaving it alone as-is.
For that reason, I think leadership would be wary of trying to rally troops that it doesn't have a lot of confidence in.
They are better off sliding focus to cart witnessing and other endeavors, rather than risk a ministry rally where half don't show up and perform, in my estimation...
JWs aren't zealous anymore. The ORG squandered all that energy, plus householders have too much info too easily available. Zealous JWs are going to come across information that makes them uncomfortable. Better to spend 3 hours sitting next to a literature cart, hoping you can make it through without having to seriously speak with anyone. I know I'd opt for that alternative...
hybridous - "...I think leadership would be wary of trying to rally troops that it doesn't have a lot of confidence in."
That's based on the assumption that the leadership actually makes reasoned, well-thought-out decisions.