although she is long dead, I am supposedly her contemporary....
Nitty Gritty, not really, con temporary is just that temporary, together traveling through time for a time , her time. you are now alone. contemporaries no more.
How is it possible to maintain that Jesus was teaching that the 1914 generation would not pass away?
It's obvious that we have not understood this correctly.
NG: My sub questions to you on this please: --- to show why, and it has nothing to do with overlap.
Jesus said that in effect: " this generation would pass away after all these things occur"
a) Did he mean by "all" the destruction of the temple, the city of Jerusalem,? --
b) would that mean in the 2nd fulfillment 'Babylon the great, Armageddon'? if so,
c) How do you support wt's teaching that the anointed generation will be called to heaven before Armageddon at the outset of the GT?
thank you: great discussion!