Elizabeth Smart found alive.

by JeffT 39 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • sandy

    First let me say I am so happy that this little girl was found. Weather or not she went willingly does not matter. She is only 15 and 14 at the time of her diappearance. This SOB man kept her from her family for almost a year.

    sara annie said:

    I had a very hard time listening to everyone crying out "God has answered our prayers!" Does that mean that in each case where a child did NOT come home, God just wasn't around?

    This is exactly how I think and feel. Why did God choose her to be found safe and not any other innocent children or people that turn up missing and then found dead? I do not believe God had a hand in finding her. Everyone should be thanking the Media for putting her face in our minds.

  • JT

    While many believers are quick to say god was hooking the family up --the facts show otherwise

    if you look at the ratio of kids kidnapped to how many are found the numbers show that mere chance, quality of police work, alertness of citizen and other factors determine if a child gets found

    while it sounds wonderful to give the credit to a wonderful being who loves all mankind and families the fact show that his record for hooking up families with their stolen kids aint' too good

  • crownboy

    JT, if they were not saved by god it is because it's not part of his plan, remember?

    I was happy to see her recovered as well, but as others have expressed, I have a feeling more about this story will eventually come out.

  • Mulan
    I had a very hard time listening to everyone crying out "God has answered our prayers!" Does that mean that in each case where a child did NOT come home, God just wasn't around?

    Me too. I get into this subject too often with my "born again" son and his pastor's-daughter wife. They have an answer for it, everytime. It gags me.

    The Morons (I should say Mormons) are so much like JW's. It's scary to see how similar they are. They look healthier though. Is it the no coffee?

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    I think you all you nay-sayers suck. Did you ever stop to think that he probabl threatened to kill her entire family if she didn't comply no different than a child that is molested IN THE HOME and to scared to tell because of the same type of threats. I am so damn sick of the victims and the victims famlies ending up to walk the fire that the perpetrator should be walking why no ? about that MF***** huh, why no hey why didn't his ex-wife tell more about her fears? huh What about Polly Klaas huh same type of circumstances. Would you be so F*****willing to voice your opinion if the this one had turned up with a dead little girl. This is what's wrong with the world so willing to question and condemn the victim that the perpetrators actions is second to the event as I said YOU SUCK

    Jeesh, Sheila. Calm down! If you go back and read the posts you'll find that I commented directly to Polly Klaas' situation, covered the whole stockholm syndrome aspect and I think the general consensus by people not willing to jump to conclusions is that everyone is very happy she's back, regardless of the circumstances.

    Let's remember that it wasn't long ago that overzealous cries of guilt and demands for justice once had an entire country looking for phantom criminals who "abducted" Susan Smith's children. In this case, it led to a man who did NOT abduct her being jailed and subsequently dying. Like it or not, everything is not always as it seems. The media went after that man with a vengeance and everyone assumed him totally guilty, and now they just shrug it off with an "Oh Well".

    PS The latests is the abductor had a knife and that he did cut the screen and he had been watching her for sometime before he took her.
    Several weeks ago CBS had an update special on Elizabeth's disappearance and the lead investigator said that the cut screen was most likely NOT the method of entrance into the house since there was no evidence (tracks, fiber evidence, prints, etc) that anyone had done anything but cut the screen. In his opinion, the cut screen was to divert attention away from the fact that the door was probably used, and the intruder most likely had a key to gain access. Right now, when we know so little of the specifics, it's probably a good idea to wait before blindly believing whatever the media is saying.
  • Utopian_Raindrops


    You said…. The……. Mormons…..are so much like JW's. It's scary to see how similar they are. They look healthier though. Is it the no coffee?

    No it’s not the coffee although I am sure the health edicts help. It is really more the life style of Our Heavenly Father is to be brought in every part of their lives.

    Being educated, volunteering for good deeds in public, joining sports, 4-H, hobbies and crafts,….working on and sharing any up building activity is part of serving God.

    So Mormon children are encouraged to be who they are in God’s plan. Every Mormon child is helped to chose special interests of their very own that make them unique to work on and share with others. Children are taught to keep a journal for its future generations to read and get to know them. Every child is taught how to do genealogy and learn of their past generations and how to learn from them. Every child is encouraged to get higher education and become that special Child Of God they were born to be.

    Mormon children have a good sense of Past, Present, and Future. They believe they lived before this life in heaven with our Heavenly Father and yes Heavenly Mother. Every child believes they chose their parents before then where even born and knew them in the Pre-life.

    Mormons believe they knew before birth the trials they would go through here and accepted the assignment. Therefore they and Their Heavenly Father knew they were strong enough to endure this life and al trials in it. When she was abducted and when she was found I tearfully thought of this belief and how it must have kept that family and this young girl strong and able to live through this all.

    Every Mormon family has Family Home Evening once a week and each Mormon Couple has a date night just for the 2 of them.

    The reason they are so healthy Mulan is because self worth is instilled in each child from birth as well as each child being taught to help instill in others their self worth.

    It is a very sweet dream for all those who apply LDS teachings, as they should be.

    Unfortunately there are abusive Bishop brigs as well as Fathers and Husbands who get Priesthood syndrome.

    Still if one was to be born into a cult this one would be the one.

    Ciao 4 now,


  • JT


    JT, if they were not saved by god it is because it's not part of his plan, remember

    you are correct i am wrong, i humble myself and accept the counsel- smile

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    By the way I thought I’d better make it clear I DO NOT support becoming a Mormon!

    It is a cult that has in the past hurt people. I left when I learned of Mormon Murders as well as their past stance on not allowing those with dark skin to have full worship of God in The Temple believing them to have the mark of Cain.

    To me I knew this was not from God to deny anyone full service to Him and condemn them to be eternal servants and never attain higher glory.

    You see by Mormon belief only if you marry in The Temple can you and your wife become “Like God” and live on The Cylestialized Earth. This would be The Highest Glory and Reward From Our Creator. It did not wash with me that only some could work towards attaining this and not others.

    The LDS Church did open Temple Worship up to Dark Skinned people in 1975 but still like so many other Religions we know….there was no apologies.

    So all I meant by my previous post was if one did not have a choice in the Religion they were born in….this would be a good one.

    Just making it clear….U_R

  • wednesday

    My very first thoughts were , not to doubt the young teen had been abducted, but why she had not at some time ran, yelled or caused some sort of disturbance during the entire 9 months she was with them.. this am on the View, they were talking about that it is possible he took her for a second wife. There is a pic of them at a party, and she is wearing the garb of Islamc (sp) women.. the whole thing seems very odd. i do agree, she looks so innocent for 14-15. it does sort of have a Patty Hearst feel to it.

  • Utopian_Raindrops


    Questions raised after teen’s ordeal
    Elizabeth Smart was ‘married’
    to drifter, police, FBI sources say
    Elizabeth Smart, right, at home with her family Thursday. Click ''Play'' below the image to hear her father, Ed Smart, describe telling his wife that Elizabeth was alive.
    SALT LAKE CITY, March 13 — Elizabeth Smart was home Thursday, playing the harp and watching her favorite movie, “The Trouble with Angels,” the day after she was rescued from a terrifying ordeal that lasted nine months. Police and FBI sources told NBC News that on the night she was abducted from her bedroom in June, Elizabeth was “married” in a bizarre religious ceremony to the drifter with whom she was found Wednesday.

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    View scenes from the return of Elizabeth Smart.
    “ELIZABETH IS HAPPY, she is well, and we are so happy to have her back in our arms,” her beaming father, Ed Smart, said Thursday afternoon.
    Amid the joyful reunion a growing list of questions arose: Why did it take so long for police to find Brian David Mitchell, the shaggy-haired drifter accused of kidnapping Elizabeth? And what happened to her during the nine months she was gone, during which she turned 15?
    Mitchell, 49, and his wife, Wanda Barzee, 57, remained in the Salt Lake County Jail for investigation of aggravated kidnapping. No charges had been filed by Thursday evening, but Salt Lake City Police Chief Rick Dinse said no other arrests were expected.
    Ed Smart said he had not asked Elizabeth specific questions about her ordeal because he did not want to traumatize her further.
    But sources with the FBI and the Salt Lake City police told NBC News on condition of anonymity Thursday night that Elizabeth had been interviewed for about an hour and was providing remarkably clear details of her experiences. Her information has led police to witnesses who have corroborated her stories, they said.
    FBI sources said Elizabeth confirmed that she had been forced into a “polygamist relationship” with Mitchell. The sources did not elaborate, but an FBI official who spoke with Elizabeth described “a Patty Hearst-like situation,” a reference to the 1974 kidnapping of the newspaper heiress who was “brainwashed” into sympathizing with her radical captors.
    The sources said Mitchell, who left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the late 1990s, was “strongly” extremist in his religious views and had been preaching to officers during his interrogation. Law enforcement sources said he appeared to know a good deal about the law.
    The sources said Mitchell was articulate and smart and did not believe he had done anything wrong. He saw himself as a “prophet” who was paid by God, they said.
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    Elizabeth also told her family that she had been kept in hills near her home through August, her father, Ed Smart, told NBC News in an interview.
    Separately, Chris Thomas, a spokesman for the Smart family, said Elizabeth had indicated that she could not escape because “she had two people with her at all times.”
    Mitchell had once done work at the Smarts’ home, and police had been searching for him after Elizabeth’s younger sister said in October that he looked like the man she said kidnapped Elizabeth.
    Mitchell, Barzee and Elizabeth were stopped Wednesday in Sandy, Utah — just 20 miles south of Elizabeth’s home — after several people called police saying they recognized Mitchell.
    Sandy Police Chief Stephen Chapman said that when officers questioned Elizabeth on the street with the two others present, they had to ask her for her name several times. At first, he said, she claimed to be their child; police sources later told NBC News that Elizabeth initially tried to convince police that her name was Augustine Marshall and that she was from Florida.
    “It took some time before we could actually determine that it was her,” Chapman said. “Under the circumstances, that was probably very normal.”
    Dinse said Elizabeth’s captors appeared to have exercised psychological influence over her.
    “There’s no question that she was psychologically affected by the connection with this group,” he said at a news conference Thursday afternoon.

    Elizabeth told her family that she had been kept in the nearby hills through August, Ed Smart said said on NBC’s “Today” show, and that she had heard searchers “calling her name.” Mitchell was known to have a teepee in that area.
    Elizabeth was returned home about 8:20 p.m. Wednesday (10:20 p.m. ET). Relatives said a hospital check revealed that Elizabeth was in good condition.

    Wanda Barzee and Brian David Mitchell in their police booking photos taken Wednesday.
    The teen’s disappearance from her bedroom June 5 sparked a massive search and nationwide media attention. She was found after two couples called police separately Wednesday to report that they had seen a man resembling Mitchell after having seen a profile on “America’s Most Wanted.”
    Meanwhile, a Salt Lake City man, Daniel Trotta, 24, told The Associated Press that he believed Elizabeth, Mitchell and Barzee had stayed in his basement apartment for nearly a week in October. Trotta, who had befriended Mitchell at the health-food store where he worked and invited the couple to stay because they had no home, went to police Sunday after he, too, recognized Mitchell on “America’s Most Wanted.”

    Federal and Salt Lake County investigators and prosecutors planned to meet before deciding what charges to file and in what jurisdiction. The case could go to federal court if Elizabeth was taken out of Utah during the ordeal, as investigators believe.
    The jurisdictional questions could range from coast to coast. Chip Burrus, the FBI’s special agent in charge in Salt Lake City, said late Thursday afternoon that agents had found what they believed to have been a camp Mitchell pitched in San Diego, while police told NBC News that they were investigating reports that Elizabeth may have been taken on road trips as far away as Georgia.

    March 13 — Police said Elizabeth Smart initially denied her identity, addressing officers in what they described as “Bible-speak.” NBC’s Jim Avila reports.

    Without elaborating, Burrus also said search warrants had been executed in Montana.
    A reporter, Mike Carter of The Seattle Times, told MSNBC that he had received information that Elizabeth had been stopped by police “in other states” and that the girl “gave fake names in those states.”
    The San Diego County (Calif.) Sheriff’s Department, meanwhile, released a statement Thursday night saying Mitchell was arrested on burglary charges Feb. 12 in Lakeside, where he was using the alias Michael Jerry Jenson.
    Mitchell pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges and was released Feb. 18. Because a check showed no outstanding warrants and Utah authorities had not yet identified Mitchell as a suspect in Elizabeth’s abduction, there was no reason to hold him, the statement said.
    Relatives have described Mitchell as a self-appointed prophet for the homeless. He was a familiar figure around Salt Lake City, wearing long robes and a beard and carrying a staff as he preached and panhandled, the Deseret News newspaper reported.
    People at a local homeless shelter and several at the Salvation Army told the newspaper that they could not remember exactly the last time they saw him but figured that it had been only about a month ago.
    It was not the only time Mitchell — and possibly even Elizabeth — had been spotted in Salt Lake City since Elizabeth disappeared.
    A Deseret News staff member encountered Mitchell last summer trying to tear down a “Kidnapped!” poster of Elizabeth that was on display in the paper’s first-floor windows, the newspaper said. When the staffer told him to stop, Mitchell told her that “they found the guy,” but he disappeared before she could return with colleagues to interview him.

    March 13 — Rudy and Nancy Montoya, joined by the police chief of Sandy, Utah, tell how their 911 call led to Elizabeth Smart.

    In August or early September, Nanda Sookhai was videotaping a landmark at Salt Lake City’s Liberty Park. Three people sitting at a picnic table in the video resemble Mitchell, his wife and Elizabeth, the Salt Lake Tribune reported Thursday.
    The Tribune also reported that in September, Mitchell appeared at a late-night party in a downtown Salt Lake City apartment, where Dan Gorder, a freelance photographer, snapped shots of the wandering preacher drinking a beer.
    Mitchell was accompanied by two women dressed in white, one significantly younger than the other, who were both wearing veils covering all but their eyes, Gorder told the newspaper.

    Elizabeth’s mother, Lois Smart, said in February that she met Mitchell in downtown Salt Lake City when he asked her for money. She gave him $5 and hired him to help her husband repair their roof in November 2001. He worked at the home for about five hours before vanishing. Seven months later, Elizabeth disappeared.
    Elizabeth’s sister, Mary Katherine, 10, told police that Elizabeth was seized in front of her by a man who may have entered the house by cutting a window screen near the back door. As Mary Katherine pretended to be asleep, the man threatened to hurt Elizabeth if she did not keep quiet, she said.
    The Smart family started paying more attention to Mitchell when Mary Katherine said in October that she thought Mitchell could have been the one she said took Elizabeth.
    Salt Lake City Tribune:
    Replacement daughter theory
    Alive, well and thankful
    Family never gave up
    The family circulated an artist’s sketch of the man Feb. 3, and shortly after that Mitchell’s sister called law enforcement and provided a photograph of her brother. That photograph and the profile soon appeared on “America’s Most Wanted.”
    Dinse, the Salt Lake City chief, said police had been “aggressively seeking” Mitchell but had never been able to find him.
    The top potential suspect in the kidnapping, Richard Albert Ricci, a handyman who once worked in the Smart household, died Aug. 30 after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage. He said he had nothing to do with the kidnapping.
    Ricci’s widow, Angela, called it a “joyous day for us and the Smarts.” Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, meanwhile, met with city attorneys to discuss an internal investigation of the police department, mayoral spokesman Joshua Ewing told the Deseret News.
    Dad pleads for national Amber Alert
    NBC’s Ashleigh Banfield and Jim Avila, MSNBC.com’s Miguel Llanos and Alex Johnson and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
    What's on MSNBC TV?
    Thursday prime time: The Elizabeth Smart case
    On "The Abrams Report": Dan Abrams and a panel of experts break down the latest evidence in the Elizabeth Smart investigation and profile the two suspects in police custody. Thursday, 6 p.m. ET
    On "MSNBC Reports with Joe Scarborough": Rep. James Sensenbrenner comments on whether or not the Amber Alert should go national. Thursday, 10 p.m. ET.


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