Eurgh! More patronizing and uninformed reasoning from the "experts" at Bethel. This time tackling the sensitive subject of those attracted the the same sex. But fear not! Apparently all you have to do is snap out of it - it's just a phase!
My comments will be in yellow.
Not at all!
Fact: In many cases, same-sex attraction is nothing more than a passing phase.
Fact? Wow, thats a big statement. A fact? Ok then, care to cite your sources please?
That’s what Lisette, 16, who was at one time attracted to a girl, found. She says: “Through my biology classes in school, I learned that during the adolescent years, hormone levels can fluctuate greatly. I truly think that if more youths knew more about their bodies, they would understand that same-sex attraction can be temporary and they wouldn’t feel the pressure to be gay.”
Well Lisette, that's true. But being a homosexual is a lot more complicated than just fluctuating adolescent hormones. And i doubt very much that any gay person felt pressured to be gay. Just as i dont feel pressured to be heterosexual.
All youths face a choice—either to adopt the world’s degraded view of sexuality or to follow the high moral path set forth in God’s Word.
All youths face a choice—either to adopt the world’s degraded view of sexuality or to follow the high moral path set forth in God’s Word. Sneaking in their own adjective again. This seems to be a running trend for this book. Those people who set those "high moral" standard were desert dwelling people with no knowledge of psychology or medicine and thought it absolutely fine to stone someone to death for, i dont know, picking up sticks on a Saturday.
But what if your attraction to the same sex seems to be more than a passing phase? Is it cruel of God to tell someone who is attracted to the same sex to avoid homosexuality?
If you answered yes to that last question, you should know that such reasoning is based on the flawed notion that humans must act on their sexual impulses. The Bible dignifies humans by assuring them that they can choose not to act on their improper sexual urges.—Colossians 3:5.
We didn't need the bible to tell us that Mr Watchtower. The point is, we have the right to love whoever we want without permission from J.Hoover.
The Bible’s stand is not unreasonable. It simply directs those with homosexual urges to do the same thing that is required of those with an opposite-sex attraction—to “flee from fornication.” (1 Corinthians 6:18) The fact is, millions of heterosexuals who wish to conform to the Bible’s standards employ self-control despite any temptations they might face. Those with homosexual inclinations can do the same if they truly want to please God.—Deuteronomy 30:19.
Ohhhh, i see, so you're retracting what you said in the Your Youth book when you said that homosexuals are not born that way but that their behavior is learned through masturbation? Hmm. So when you had that thought it wasn't Gods thought at all then? It was from someone's own head?
I think articles like this are a sign that more and more young ones are becoming aware of how normal being gay is and how the real world is a lot more accepting of them than their supposed all loving god.