Do you have JW-related dreams (nightmares)?

by compound complex 41 Replies latest social humour

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, dreamers:

    I guess it's never going away: daytime carryovers of JW-related stuff seeping into my dreams.

    The majority of these dreams take place at conventions but with really weird trappings. Last night I dreamed I arrived at the site with no books, no lunch, nothing but my car keys. I found a seat and saved it with my car keys, telling the guy in the next seat that the keys were to my Porsche. They were there when I returned -- JWs are the most honest people on the planet (in your dreams).

    A young sister, in company with her worldly father, named Punk (in reality, Pinky), asked me if it was all right to stand in the shade when out in service (it really gets hot here in the summer). Punk said she shouldn't be asking me since I was ten years out of the truth.

    Some guy (I didn't recognize him, but he could've been in the movies) drove up to what had been my former home in a brand new Pontiac Grand Safari station wagon. It was loaded with all his belongings. He said he lost his home and had no where to go. A visiting JW relative told him the best thing to do was to go out in service.

    An alien, from Alien: Covenant, climbed into my bed. Nothing happened. JWs are chaste.

    Do you dream JW?

    Below: the very Pontiac wagon from my dream:

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  • OrphanCrow

    Coco, there is a theory that when you dream of vehicles, that the vehicle is a metaphor for either your life or the life of the person the vehicle is attached to.

    Using that interpretation, I would say that you view the guy (representing all the JWs you don't know) as having an outdated life. Vintage. Old and outdated. Filled with baggage. Nice but no longer up to today's standards.

    I am not sure about the view of your life tho...maybe it is simply that your life is classy (classic) but you also left it behind in order to attend the convention (but it is waiting for you when you leave that environment)

    Happy dreams!


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  • jp1692

    I frequently have many dreams related to my experiences in the JW cult. They are almost universally unpleasant at least and anger or anxiety inducing at the worst.

    A few months ago I attended an ICSA cult recovery workshop. One of the presenters, Doni Whitsett, Ph.D., made an intriguingly inscrutable comment in passing about the frequency of cult related dreams among ex-cult members.

    I meant to ask her later for more information about that, but forgot. I'll have to get in touch with her and see what more insight she can share.


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  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, OC and jp, for your thoughts and experiences.

    It all helps, in order to analyze and to understand. If not, well, just to go along for the ride.

    DANG -- almost every night!

    Best regards.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    I'am sure we all have had this dream, chase

    by this weird and awful creature and you decide to stop running and confront the crazy person, so what happen. The person sticks out his hand and introduce himself, hi I'am a JW....You wake up in a cold sweat...

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  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, James Mixon, for giving me a new perspective.

    In my dream, I kept wondering why the creature was so gentle and caring. The movie version alien killed you first then asked questions.

    Don't wanna go there . . .

  • new boy
    new boy

    Up to a few years ago I had this dream often.

    I would be at Bethel even though I was married with kids back home. Or I would sneak into Bethel even though I wasn't a Jehovah's Witness anymore. Or I would be at Bethel and forget to turn in my 30 day notice to leave. Or I was at Bethel and forget where I parked my car. All of which were of course nightmares.

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  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I have concentration camp dreams related to the terror I had of being arrested and facing the "loyalty test". I have vivid memories of sitting on the floor as a young child at meetings hearing scenarios being discussed.

    I hadn't had one for a while but then bang - new years day I woke up and that was the first thing I remembered.

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  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes, new boy, dreams of Bethel! I forgot about that one.

    I relate to much of what you wrote. In my dreams, I was up on the roof (a favorite "haunt"), in the dining room, etc. Of course, there was an exaggeration in appearance of everything and everybody I saw.

    Never goes away.


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  • punkofnice

    I get jobo dreams still. Not often. On balance, I have to say I get dreams about many aspects of my life over time. One that re-occurs is how I'm looking at Marvel comics from America, in the market or newsagent. I still love those old comics from the 60's and 70's. I guess the fantasy of Spider-man trumps the jobo propaganda.

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