Who are looking after the aged and infirm Jehovah`s Witnesses ,? its certainly not the Organization known as the WTB&TS ./Jehovahs Witnesses religion .
And why is that ? Satans system of things with Jehovahs blessing , has programs to look after those who have such needs , such as the Dole for unemployed ,Medical Assistance for those who cant afford it ,and their are many charitable institutions that look after those that fall in the cracks. ( Mainly religious groups) With hospitals and aged care facillities
Sadly it`s not the WTB&TS /JW`s who are their to fill that gap.
And how many Jehovah`s Witnesses in good standing are looking and caring after their aged parents in their time of need.? How many do you personally know of ? or are they shunted off into a religious institution that they have condemned all their life.
I know of a few aged JW`s who are relying on aged care facillities to look after them that are run and financed by Christendoms Religions.
How many do you know of.?
Jehovahs Witnesses are parasites on society. They suck all they can out of this world and they give nothing back.
And they give nothing back to the aged and infirm who have slaved a lifetime to this organization that poses as a religion.