Six minute video of WTBT$ begging for money, now on JWBorg website

by EasyPrompt 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • EasyPrompt

    Six minute video of WTBT$ begging for money, now on JWBorg website

    "Thank You for 'Setting Something Aside'" Robert Butler

    Some quotes from the video (and comments):

    "...The GB has asked me to convey their deep appreciation for the gifts you give of your time, energy and resources..."

    (Yeah, because that way they don't have to get a job...)

    "You may wonder, 'How do we make sure that we have the financial means needed to care for all of this activity?"

    (The "activity" didn't mention the money involved for CSA scandals or the house for Anthony Morris...)

    "Each year, branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses calculate the expense of the projects needed and prepare a budget to ensure funds will be available."

    (For anyone who wants to read a transcript of Mark Sanderson and John Ekrann talking about how they feel about money at an auditing meeting, the link is here: )

    "Your kind donations play a significant role in this budgeting process..."

    (Then come the misapplication of scriptures to guilt the congregation members into financially supporting the antichrist commune arrangement...followed by prompting them to sign up for monthly online donations and write in their last will and testament to leave everything to the WTBT$.)


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  • a watcher
    a watcher

    They're referencing 1 Cor. 16:1,2, but that collection was for needy INDIVIDUALS, not a corporation.

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  • EasyPrompt

    Robert Butler is on the Publishing Committee, the money committee.

    "Publishing Committee

    This committee supervises the printing and shipping of Bible literature worldwide. It has oversight of printeries and properties owned and operated by the various corporations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Funding for branches is approved and arranged for under the direction of the Publishing Committee. It has oversight of issues involving accounting, allowances, budgeting, global health-care arrangements for special full-time servants, humanitarian aid requests, insurance, purchasing, taxes, and other financial matters for branch facilities throughout the world, such as the purchase or sale of real estate, equipment, and vehicles. All Branch Requests (AB-3), Nonliterature Branch Requests (AB-3a), and other budget approvals are processed and approved under the direction of this committee. It oversees arrangements for the construction, renovation, and maintenance of all the organization’s facilities, including branches, remote translation offices,missionary homes, schools, Kingdom Halls, and Assembly Halls.

    Expenditures of up to USD 2,000,000 will be approved by the Publishing Committee. The Governing Body, however, is responsible for approving major real estate transactions and significant construction projects involving the expenditure of more than USD 2,000,000. In most cases, Branch Committees will present the details of such projects to the Publishing Committee, and thereafter, the matter will be presented to the Governing Body." (from )

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  • FFGhost

    Yeah, used to be, when they still printed Watchtowers 24 times a year, every October there was an article with “loving reminders” on how you could donate lots of your $$$$$$ to the WT.

    They’d remind how faithful and loyal you would be to donate your stocks, bonds, jewelry, real estate, etc. over to them, and how you could set up a trust to benefit them, or give them your entire estate upon your demise in your will, etc.

    It was like clockwork for decades - “October? Time to insert the give-us-money article”.

    Now of course most of the content of the Watchtower is filled up with study articles so there isn’t room for a printed give-us-your-money article, so instead they did this video.

    They always did it in October, I figured, as a reminder to the handful of wealthy American JWs to send in their money, while there was still time for it to count as a tax deduction (to “charity”) before the end of the year.

    Same old, same old, the usual message in a new format.

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  • BoogerMan

    At 4 mins 9 seconds in the video, the Borg quotes the apostle Paul's advice about giving, but throughout their history they've never exhorted "career JW's" to follow his example - to earn their own living while preaching the good news!

    I'm just waiting for the WTBTS to join the evangelical's gravy-train on TV, and start up JW-TV.

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  • TonusOH

    It used to be "millions now living will never die."

    Now it's "when you make your will..."

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  • Ron.W.
    It used to be "millions now living will never die."
    Now it's "when you make your will..."



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  • NotFormer

    TonusOH: 😁😸👍

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    In fairness every charity reminds donors at tax time.

    But I can think of none that do less for any cause close to the heart of donors.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I just wonder how long before the Borg introduces more light,,,,mandating ''tithing''.

    .....matter of time perhaps.

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