My finfings

by Issa 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Issa

    I'm glad I found this website. Thanks for everyone who read my experience. At first, I really didn't know what to do after I woke up, but I occupied myself doing research about the WT society. Please, I want to get advice about what to do next.

    I stopped attending meetings, didn't bother to keep preaching with the WT magazines, and I've only told my mom and sisters I'm no longer attending the meetings or associating with the org. I'm not a minor, 17, I'm barely beginning to live my life as a young adult. I got baptized last year in August, but really, I was coerced and pressured by my teacher. I did however, have a desire to do God's will, but for now, I'm distraught about what I've been teached.

    There's so much to take in, in part, my fault for taking in all the found information at once, was overwhelming. Even so, I'm relieved that I learned about these findings. Especially at Jw-Facts and YouTube channels like ex-witnesses Critical Thinker.

    Here are my findings about the org that I've researched:

    - Prophecies of 1874,1914,1925,1975

    - The NWT Bible is basically biased to suit the WT's interpretation of the scriptures

    - Blood transfusion (which really, fractions are still blood)

    - Child abuse policies/allegations

    - Preaching hours (why? )

    - Different positions (Pioneer, Circuit overseer, etc... where in the Bible are these positions mentioned? )

    - And my own experiences within the org that felt that something was wrong.

    I'm planning on writing a letter to the elders about resignation. I don't plan to fade out. I'm aware of the consequences, but I'm decided to leave knowing the disappointments I'm going to face. My family is not completely in the org (The youngest of my sisters is currently studying). My other sister left the org, but she's still convinced it's the truth. I'm worried about her mental health because it has taken a toll on her. It's the indoctrination that has gotten her. I'm glad I left. I can't wait to tell my parents the truth about this org. Hopefully they can understand my experience and my decision.

  • UnshackleTheChains
    My family is not completely in the org (The youngest of my sisters is currently studying). My other sister left the org, but she's still convinced it's the truth. I'm worried about her mental health because it has taken a toll on her. It's the indoctrination that has gotten her. I'm glad I left. I can't wait to tell my parents the truth about this org. Hopefully they can understand my experience and my decision

    Hi Issa

    I'm not sure if your parents are baptized, but be careful about your decision to DA. It is a captive / high control religion in that you cannot leave without consequences. If you have many relatives involved, some if not most will either shun you or limit their association out of 'loyalty' to Jehovah (aka the organisation).

    You will find that many here have simply faded to avoid the shunning policy coming into effect.

    You need to way things up carefully and allow yourself time to make an informed decision.

    Best wishes to you.


  • jaydee
  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    There is really no reason to disassociate. Think twice about that. 10 years from now the unintended consequence could be your older sister shunning you to be technically faithful to that rule. If you just leave and stop attending, they can't really do anything to you, and you can fade out of their memory.

    Are you in the US? Are there a large contingency of JW's around you? Are your parents baptized?

  • Finkelstein

    I did however, have a desire to do God's will

    Your doing it by staying away from false prophets., the WTS/JW are false prophets preaching a tainted commercialized version of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Many on this forum were once of your own position and understanding .

  • Issa

    @Unshackle TheChains

    Yes, I'm aware of the consequences. My sister decided to disassociate for personal reason, yet she's convinced it's the 'Truth'. My younger sister is actively studying. My parents are not baptized, and it remains that way for them. My mom only attends meetings because it was her obligation. My dad stopped going for personal reasons. I'm aware that if I leave, the elders or my sister's current teacher will warb against associating with me. To be honest, I'm okay leaving, but I'm not okay with the elders demanding a meeting with me.

  • Issa

    @ problemaddict 2

    I'm from the US. There's a somewhat amount of witnesses over at my area. Although, the congregations are far enough for people to go visit them. The congregation I used to go was 30 minutes aways from home. My parents are not baptized, yet they believe it's the 'Truth'.

  • Finkelstein

    To be honest, I'm okay leaving, but I'm not okay with the elders demanding a meeting with me.

    And you shouldn't let them intimidate you ( FEAR, GUILT, SHAME) , the usual tactic is ... " you know this system of things is about to come to close and we should all be in god's approval when it does "

    The WTS /JWS is not the Truth not from an accurate biblical stand point or to the fact the bible writings are ancient fictional mythology but thats a truth that this religious organization and many other would never admit.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I agree with those above who warn against DAing. IMO, it is playing by WT Rules. I don't do that anymore. When you DA, you make it all nice and neat for Elders to close your "file" (you mentally diseased apostate). Don't play their game. Make it a game they have to play. Dodge and weave. Ignore calls. Never, NEVER, NEVER confess or admit to doubts or disbelief. Don't let them "catch ya".

    Good luck!


    The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!

  • Chook

    Just don't negotiate with terrorists, don't waste ink or your voice, personally disfellowship yourself from them by having no contact. Tell your family Jesus had no answers for his accusers. But of course formally leaving shows your parents the shunning treatment. Parents not baptised it could prevent them from coming in when they observe the shunning .

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