This is Simon's site. We are all his we play by his rules. End of.
Southern California USA Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses On High Alert
by JW GoneBad 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
From the first sight of his video, I've not been able to agree fully with the way for Kevin to do witnessing toward witnesses.
However I think no one can call it a shit because people are various in their faiths and the ways to show them.
I'm just worrying about the legal matters related with his activities in California. In my country, that kind of activity is regarded somewhat serious so that a police meeting of investigation shall be scheduled with just one 911 call. In his videos, lots of brothers seemed to make 911 calls but Kevin is still active in his witnessing.
Is that kind of activity in CA. apparently illegal?
intropist > Is that kind of activity in CA apparantly illegal?
Intropist, I don't live in the USA, but witnesses invite the general public to visit their meetings, especially the public talk. In one of Kevin's video's one elder says to him that in his case, the invitation to visit the KH is withdrawn. It will take some time and a lot of effort to permanently keep off "Kevin" by law. I believe Derek Ohare is such a person that actually is banned from KH's in the UK, but "Kevin" is a saint compared to him. Let's wait and see...
I believe Derek Ohare is such a person that actually is banned from KH's in the UK, but "Kevin" is a saint compared to him
Derek O’Hare:
Shaunie Chalk:
Overall I agree that the cost/benefit of potentially waking someone up compared to simply reinforcing views about bitter and twisted apostates simply makes these actions not worth the effort. However, I did watch a few of his hall antics and some did make me smile a little but ultimately I can't see them having much of a positive effect.
The guy in Kent, Derek O'Hare was similar and got himself banned for his constant interruptions. I know several people that know him and experienced his work first hand and they all think he is simply nuts.
Thank you for the confirmation about O'Hare and added links darkspilver. I've never heard of Shaunie Chalk, the news is from 2009, must have missed it while still being in the Borg but from what I've read, she seemed to display more of some typical teenage-psycho behaviour.
konceptual99 > I did watch a few of his hall antics and some did make me smile a little but ultimately I can't see them having much of a positive effect.
You'll never know if someone has the guts to visit jwfacts or fact-check ARC at the privacy of their homes. Witnesses don't care if most people reject their kingdom message, they just go on, repeating lies that come directly from their GB. With all respect, why then should activists who tell the truth quit just because others don't see enough benefits compared to the costs?
he is simply nuts.
He probably is, but "Kevin" isn't and that's why I put him in a different, more moderate league of activists.
I don't normally like this sort of thing, but Kevin has a really nice nature and comes across very well.
You'll never know if someone has the guts to visit jwfacts or fact-check ARC at the privacy of their homes. Witnesses don't care if most people reject their kingdom message, they just go on, repeating lies that come directly from their GB. With all respect, why then should activists who tell the truth quit just because others don't see enough benefits compared to the costs?
You're right - individuals can do what they want and if someone feels that they want to interrupt a meeting then that's their prerogative just so long as they are peaceful about it.
My personal view is that if you are going to try and approach Witnesses directly then the best way is through the carts. That's where Witnesses expect to talk to members of the public and you are free to use any approach you like to introduce alternative reasoning points.
I think Kevin's cart work in reverse witnessing was far more potentially productive than starting a prayer in the hall and being out of there in 60 seconds.
Either way I would agree that his manner comes across quite well and he did make make smile.
I didn't mean to say that Derek O'Hare is nuts, just that I know people who know him and have experienced his activities and they think he is nuts - in other words, his actions have simply overwhelmed the valid points he has. His personal story is pretty tragic and he has every right to feel aggrieved - probably why that translates into the direct activism but I think his is the example that proves the point.
I totally agree with Simon's take on this type of 'shitty, stupid, irrational' behavior. There is never a justification, IMHO, for a mentally stable adult to interrupt and basically harass people in their place of worship. Also, by harassing the 'coffee cart' tenders demonstrates a certain lack of respect, humanity, and dignity.
While I'm extremely happy to no longer be a part of the wtbts organization, I do believe that most individual JW's are basically very nice people that are caught up in a cult like influence. Direct frontal attacks, such as this guy Kevin is using only reinforces their 'bunker' mentality and makes them dig in their heals!
My advice to Kevin--you need help!
just saying!
Konceptual99 > I think Kevin's cart work in reverse witnessing was far more potentially productive than starting a prayer in the hall and being out of there in 60 seconds.
I agree. I also think his activism will last much longer this way. On the other hand, it's a matter of time before all California knows him, several elders and others (both in the KH and on the street) already took pictures from him. Truly an Apostate-Rockstar ...I'm jealous!