I love that website. It's wild to realize how distorted the flat map is. The USA is around 3x the size of Greenland but might actually be a bit smaller than Brazil. But looking at the flat map, you'd think it was the other way around.
Geographical inaccuracies you cant shake
by GabeAthouse 23 Replies latest jw friends
I can't believe how large Africa really is. Basically, Europe, China, India, Japan and the United States could fit into it's land mass.
I can't believe how few people live in the interior of Australia. They have cattle ranches the size of US states.
I can't believe how small Israel really is. A bunch of fuss really about nothing IMHO.
I can't that nearly as many people live in Siberia as Canada. I thought no one lived there.
Canada’s closest neighbor is the US. Next closest is Denmark followed by France.
Denmark (Greenland) followed by France.
yea right, not Paris but St Pierre and Miquelon.
Greenland looks absolutely huge on the flat page, but a quick look at it on a globe reveals its true size.
" a quick look at it on a globe reveals its true size."
True, a Flat Map cannot really show the true size of a Country, as that Country sits on the outer surface of a ball, but a flat map gives a quick idea of how many sq. miles a Country has, for some, and Greenland has a good few ! And importantly for some, the actual location of Countries, in relation to each other, and the Equator etc.
I want to get a really old fashioned Globe, just to see the errors made before Satellites etc ! As to the relative sizes of say the USA, which is, 9.834 million sq.km. and Greenland is , 2.166 million sq.km. It is far easier to appreciate this on a Globe, thanks for pointing that out LUHE ! Perhaps all Geography Classrooms should have a Globe, as in my youth, we had one at home too.
Colombia, Venezuela, Panama are in the southern hemisphere. not so.
Warwick is in upstate New York, not so, it is more of suburb/exurb of NY city, the extreme south of the state.
I can't believe how few people live in the interior of Australia.
Yep. Using the website ThomasCovenant linked to, Australia is almost exactly the same size as the lower 48 but with a population of only 25 million.
And amazingly, Google has mapped a lot of the main roads that cut through all of that wilderness. It's impressive enough that those roads were built and are still maintained, but getting people to drive it all so it could be mapped in on-the-ground 3D is a whole other level.
And amazingly, Google has mapped a lot of the main roads that cut through all of that wilderness. It's impressive enough that those roads were built and are still maintained, but getting people to drive it all so it could be mapped in on-the-ground 3D is a whole other level.
A quick search says it pays $15-$17 an hour. Not hard to imagine someone in their early 20's with no other commitments agreeing to a month long paid road trip through the outback...